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Daemon bile


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"Any model that moves through Daemon bile immediately loses D3 Warp Charge points and cannot attempt to Deny the Witch until the start of its next turn."a


Note how it says model, not unit. 


Thus, if I cast a psychic power at the unit that doesn't specifically target those models that were in daemon bile, is it:


1. Because some can't DtW, the whole unit cannot DtW?




2. Because some can DtW, the whole unit can DtW?

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I'd say #2.


So long as there are models that avoided the Daemon Bile, those models can Deny the Witch, so the unit can.


However if a model/group of models is picked out when the psychic power is cast (by some method of focussed fire etc.) then that would lend some credence to them not getting to Deny.  Although the whole thing does come across as rather messy at that point.


It's not a well worded description/rule for the terrain really.  A more logical/simple way would be:

"Any model that moves through Daemon bile immediately loses D3 Warp Charge points.  Also any unit that contains one or more models that have moved through Daemon Bile cannot attempt to Deny the Witch until the start of its next turn."

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