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What is our *worst* unit?


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Just for a bit of fun...


We can complain all day regarding the balance in the book and it's a very common criticism that the balance is a bit squiffy, to put it mildly. So for a nice discussion, which of our soggy, smelly and generally undesirable units comes off the worst.


It's a free-for-all slamdown with only one loser!



I'd love a poll but that doesn't seem like an option. Therefore, the contenders:


Possessed- Because S5 and a 5+ Invul is apparently good enough to double in price. Hope you didn't need those guns.

Helbrute- It's like the Loyalist, except you've lost the Autocannon setup and any semblance of control.

Mutilator- I sure hope the opponent forgets he can move backwards. Who needs Obliterator Weapons when you're 20 points cheaper!

Berzerkers- Slow melee-MEQs who pay 50% more for extra fightiness? Sign me right up.

Thousand Sons- Sweet AP and Invuls bro. So how much do you cost now? And where'd all the special weapons go?

Warp Talons- Because the Fast Attack slot was really lacking for ways to murder MEQs. What a useful role you guys serve.

Defiler- Shoot like a Russ, sting like a Carnifex. Cost nearly as much as the 2 combined and AV12 ftw.

Forgefiend- What lovely firepower you have, if only you could hit with it. Also you cost as much as a Riptide.

Land Raider- Let's take the weakest Loyalist variant, strip out the most critical special rule, and voila!



Because if you can't be the best, you can still try to be the first in something. 

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I think plague marines are the worst and should be brought down to our general crappiness for Spite and such.


Of that list though?  Mutilators really piss me off.  They're the New Chaos Spawn.


Warp Talons being without grenades is...unfortunate, but my group has it so that if you 'shoot' a unit and hit with an assault grenade, it counts as "fragged' and any unit assaulting it count as having frag grenades.

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