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Sons of Horus - 3000 points


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I got wife approval to build a new army and Sons of Horus is that army. The idea is to build a 3000 point army that could easily be used as 1500, 1750, 1850, 2000, 2500 and 3000 with the models purchased so far. The idea behind this is kind of a fluffy build but to be semi competitive, I have 0 interest in the tournament scene and mostly play for fun win some lose some.

Similar to the novels the idea is to Speartip in and cut off the head of the army focusing on target priority to cripple the enemy or drop and contest relics or capture and hold points.

Lord of War
Warmaster Horus Lupercal 500
RoW -
Abaddon - 215
Mortis Contemptor
kheres assault cannon x 2
Mortis Contemptor
kheres assault cannon x 2
Horus's Justaerian x5
Power Fists x 5
Combi-Weapons x 4
Multi-Melta x 1
Abaddon's Justaerian x5
Power Fists x 5
Combi-Weapons x 5
Sons of Horus Tactical Squad:
x20 Tactical Marines
Close Combat Weapons
Legion Vexillia
Vet Squad x10
two plasma guns
plasma pistol
power weapon
melta bombs
Drop pod
Vet Squad x10
two plasma guns
plasma pistol
power weapon
melta bombs
Drop pod
Sicarian tank
ceramite armor
lascannon sponsons
I will find a home for the last 84 points after work smile.png perhaps 2 Attack Bikes to get the Black Reaving back?
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Looks nice, BUT.

- Points from Justerins seem to ceap for me (3justerin+2Justerin+5 Fists+5Combi Weapons/MM)

- You cant take 2 Heavy Support and no Fast Attack. The Rite of Black Reaving says you have to take an additional Troop and less Heavy Support than Fast Attack.

- Dont know how you can take Vet Sq as Cumpolsatory Troops. 

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Looks nice, BUT.

- Points from Justerins seem to ceap for me (3justerin+2Justerin+5 Fists+5Combi Weapons/MM)

- You cant take 2 Heavy Support and no Fast Attack. The Rite of Black Reaving says you have to take an additional Troop and less Heavy Support than Fast Attack.

- Dont know how you can take Vet Sq as Cumpolsatory Troops. 

Justaerin points are so far off not sure where the hell I got my math...  393 points for Horus's alone... 375 for Abaddon..  Guess that alone changes what I will be taking.  

Horus allows Veteran Troop Squads and Justaerin Squards as troops

You are right about Black Reaving I will switch that up

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- If you whant to play with horus dont take Abbaddon, i dont like him in 30k. He dosent fits his cost.

- Only take one Justerin squad there cool, but very expensive.

- If you dont whant to take Reaver Troops coose a different RoW. Thean at least you can stick with youre Sicarians.

- consider Apothecarians for youre Infatry. FnP is very nice for a 20 Man Squad. Espacaly when you whant to deep strike so much, becouse youre enemy dont have much choice what to shoot.

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