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Evilcraft: new 3rd party chaos bits on ebay


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There's a new 3rd party bits seller on ebay.  Goes by the name of 'evilcraft'.  Torsos, legs, heads, shoulder pads, bolters so far.  No arms.  Ornate, but not mutated.  Pretty nice looking, although the poses & proportions aren't quite fantastic, and the backpacks look to be closer to the current CSM scale, rather than the reduced DV backpack size (which, IMO, looks better overall).  If the new model rumors don't pan out, i may have to give them a try.  Even if they do, some of the shoulder pads, torsos, & heads look pretty nice.





website: http://evilcraft.eu/


ebay store: http://stores.ebay.com/evilcraftminiatures/

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Those are really sharp.


I feel cynnical to wonder if the models are actually cast to that high of a quality in bulk, but they are quite on par with the current new model lines. Perfect if you think of chosen as more mutated and regular marines as basically not mutated. (except some of their mouths look a little.. well there's not a family friendly way to say what I think.) I hope they come out with much more. 

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Definitely on the same line as the DV models, so that's cool. I doubt I'd buy them however. It's mostly a non GW/FW thing for me. I like to use the official stuff as much as I can.


The head sculpts have a very Sons og Horus look to them. That's pretty cool. Prices aren't too bad either...


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There's a thread about this by the creators if you've not seen it in the News section - they've been posting WIPs etc. 


I'd like to try and get some at some point - depending on value etc.!


The ebay store sells them for about $12 for a set of parts. $12 torsos, $12 heads, $12 legs, $12 packs... no arms yet. In my opinion they don't mesh well with the current CSM aesthetic to be used as bits, and they're too expensive to build whole models with them.


They are nice, though.

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So if the arms are also $12, then we are looking at $60 US for a 'box' of 5. Not a very good deal, if you ask me...


However, I do think they are making some great bits that, as I stated before, will look good with the possible new kits we may or may not be seeing soon.

I'll be watching these guys either way.


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So if the arms are also $12, then we are looking at $60 US for a 'box' of 5. Not a very good deal, if you ask me...


However, I do think they are making some great bits that, as I stated before, will look good with the possible new kits we may or may not be seeing soon.

I'll be watching these guys either way.


End of Line


Shoulder pads are available for $12 as well as the bolters. It would be a wicked expensive squad, for sure.

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Hopefully once they get the arms done they will sell a whole kit, at a much reduced cost. I could understand it being more expensive than the current CSM kit, as they are a small company and more than likely don't have the production capabalities the GW does, but at their current price (about $10USD per model) they are way to expensive to buy in large quantities.


That said, they are absolutely amazing sculpts and I wish I could afford them!

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Such an unfortunate price. I can't help but think that the production wouldn't actually be all that expensive once you get around the overhead, which also shouldn't be terrible. If these were cheaper than GW models, they'd probably sell big.

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