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Chaos space marine list

Lord Tarkin

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So, I've stated in a lot of my posts that I haven't played very much in the new rules. I sold a lot of my army aand this is how I stand as of now.


2 squads of 12 regular chaos marines

2 squads of 11 berzerkers

1 squad of 14 possessed with a khorne icon

One chaos rhino



Now this list is obviously a very small and sloppy one, but I fully intend on recreating my chaos army. Im gonna buy a whole bunch of squads (and i kinda wanna stick to khorne but i dont know if its a good idea). What units should i buy?

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I recommend, if you're going full on World Eaters:

Maulerfiend x2


Two Rhinos (delivery for CSMs and Zerks)

One Land Raider (delivery for Khârn)

Cultists (check ebay or buy a dark vengeance box)

Heldrake or two

Daemon Prince with Wings


This will get you started up again with ease, even though it may cost a pretty penny, do be aware that most competitive Chaos players will recommend you ditch everything in favor of cultists, heldrakes, and oblits. It's not particularly varied, but if you want to compete at the highest level that's what you can do. Note that I do not recommend this, as I don't find it particularly enjoyable, I prefer fluffy builds, but it is an option. Good luck, and have fun!

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Khârn makes your zerkers troops, so you could go heavy on the Khorne theme. I would recommend the fiends, they're nice and have that additional umph assaulty goodness. You can also ally with Daemons for everything they can offer a Khorne army.


Bjoluemblem has pointed out the better units in the codex, if not the ones you will end up seeing most Chaos players running.


End of Line

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Well sticking to khorn outside of maybe a khorn ax character ain't probably worth it .


Generaly the list needs the stuff all chaos lists need . long range support , anti tank and anti horde . There are 2 units that do that in our codex and it is MoN oblits and helldrakes . But considering your army is suppose to be based around actual power armored units and big ones too , I think you won't have points to get those . So probably AC havocks or bikers with meltaguns are the only option.

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Yeah. I hear fiends are deadly. Now that I think about it, they may be a good addition to my Khorne army. Maybe I'll have them in front of my zerkers, provide lots of support. I always wanted Heldrakes but they're so bloody expensive. I'll be getting one anyway, they're to good for me to ignore. I do want to keep a little bit of firepower, such as normal chaos marines with bolters. Give em the mark of khorne and they got counter attack which is really great. I do agree bjoluemblem, I like fluffy builds. The only reason I would get cultists is to provide meat shields for my my more important units. Oblits are good. And jeske, i did have anti horde units. Im gonna surprise you guys with something. 10 Chosen marines with 5 flamers included and sat in a rhino. I wiped an entire 24 hormagaunt unit once, and a 20 genestealer unit. Best horde killer right beside heldrakes.
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I thought Khârn's best rule was paying a reasonable amount of points for a large pile of high strength, AP2 attacks hitting on 2's at initiative, making him one of our killiest ICs, reliably murdering anything of lower init than himself, and reliably double KOing with anything striking at his own initiative, so he's not quite so vulnerable to the autochallenge rule as most of our non-special characters, even if his personal defenses are... lackluster to put it lightly.  Delivery isn't always the easiest, but he's pretty decent overall, personally.


I haven't cared much for Berzerkers since 6e hit, costing them both their init bonus on the charge and the ability to charge out of their transports, and the new codex reducing their attacks after the first round of combat didn't help that.  In general, I'd stick to generic chaos marines (or more likely cultists) for the bulk of my troops even if I was using Khârn, perhaps running a single unit of 'zerks for thematic reasons only, perhaps in a land raider if I could make the points work.

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I agree malisteen. Generic chaos marines are very versatile. Their bolters are a much needed addition to firepower and with the chaos marks you can have them specialize to anything you want. Since the new rules got very shooty and (like you pointed out) berzerkers have been significantly downgraded. Its frustrating to say the least because i absolutely love berzerkers. I have to incorporate them into my army somehow because of it and i hope to find an effective way to win with them on my roster.
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