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Secret Legion

Son of Barbarus

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Hey Guys here is a story I wrote a little while ago. It is set in an alternate 40K universe. I will put it up a page at a time.


Secret Legion




Lord Araxus was angry. He was angry for two reasons: One he
was waiting, he hated waiting especially when he was as close to a raging
battle as he was now. So close that he could hear the screams of dying men and
smell the chemical tang of weapons being discharged:  Two his men hated waiting, it frustrated the
hell out of them and the way his men dealt with frustration was to murder each
other. They were pacing around like caged carnivores hatred and bloodlust in
their eyes. He felt exactly the same as them but as he was the commander he had
to keep his bloodlust down and only unleash it when he was in the thick of
battle. He checked his chronometer, by its indication he and his men should be
fighting their way into a breach in the cities defences right now. But he had
received a coded message on his vox this morning telling him that there had
been a change of plans and he needed to bring his men to this place. Complete
vox silence was needed as the imperial defenders were monitoring all communications.


His vox operator had assured him that all the proper codes
had been used so it was no imperial ruse. So he moved his men to the
coordinates given in the message, they found themselves in a deep concrete
culvert. Its walls were steep and there were huge piles of broken concrete
before and after them. Lord Araxus had assumed that they were brought to this
spot so that the enemy could not see them. That was then, now that it was five
minutes past the time he was supposed to meet the person behind the message. He
was beginning to wonder whether it had been a genuine message. Maybe this was
an imperial ruse designed to keep his men out of the fight, he turned to his
vox operator. He intended to contact the Daemon Prince vox silence be damned.


“Lord Araxus”.  Araxus
turned and looked up. Standing at the top of the culvert was a tall figure in
the armour of the Alpha Legion.


“Alpha”.  Araxus spat
under his breath. He should have known that it was  these shadow warriors who had sent him the
missive, they were always up to something and once you had gotten enmeshed in
one of their schemes you  usually got out
of them only at tremendous cost. They were not like a World Eater, a World
Eater fought you face to face a screaming chainaxe in hand. An Alpha Legionnaire
would plot and scheme you to death. No he would rather be a World Eater any


“Lord Araxus”? Araxus turned brought out of his reverie. The
tall armoured figure was standing next to him. The armour the figure wore was
the same as any other Alpha which served their secret machinations.  You were never quite sure who you were talking
to it could be the lowliest battle brother or a high lord of the legion.


“Yes I’m Lord Araxus, who are you”? Araxus demanded. The
armoured figure inclined its head.


“I’m sorry my lord but I cannot tell you that, it’s
classified”. Araxus smiled (which was an awful sight) had been expecting this
sort of answer and so did not press the issue.


“Well you’ve got me here what do you want”? Araxus asked.
The armoured figure pointed towards the city. As Araxus turned to look he
vaguely noticed that there was a small number of Alpha Legionnaires on either
side of the culvert.


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Second page.



“Change of plans my lord. At the end of this culvert there
is a grate. My operatives have rigged it with explosives. When they are ready
they will set off the charges and your men can assault the surprised
defenders.” The Alpha turned back to Araxus. Araxus glanced sidelong at the


“These orders came from Distratix himself”? Araxus asked, he
was keen allay his misgivings about this mission.


“No lord Araxus, these orders come from the Warmaster”.
Araxus’ eyes widened.


“Abaddon”. He said thoughtfully. A man he held in great
esteem second only to Angron himself.


“The Warmaster is concerned that this city is too long in
the taking and so asked my masters to intervene and bring it to destruction”.
The armoured figure went on. Araxus started just a little, the word destruction
made him feel good inside.


“If the Warmaster wants it done then we will do it”. Araxus
said with the conviction of a born slaughterer. The armoured figure nodded.


“Once you have slain the defenders on the wall you are to
link up with Distratix’s Black Legion troops for an assault on the upper
hives.” Araxus nodded.


“Very well, when are the charges going to be set off?” He
asked the armoured figure.


“Very soon my Lord things are almost ready”. Araxus nodded
wearily and looked around his men were still pacing excitedly and up on the
sides of the culvert were the Alpha Legion. He blinked his eyes which seemed
heavy all of a sudden were there more Alphas than before? It was hard to tell
he wasn’t sure how many had been there to begin with. He thought that he might
try to count them all.


On a rocky crag overlooking the battle the Black Legion
Daemon Prince Distratix paced angrily. Distratix was a four metre, two ton
nightmare of snarling muzzle, fur and talons.


‘Where in the warp is that idiot Araxus?” He asked his
assembled aides. He looked down at the battle scape below, His Black Legion
Marines were trying to force a way through the breach that the Iron Warriors
artillery had smashed in the cities walls, but without the ferocity of the
World Eaters they were making little headway. His aides looked at one another
nervously, although all of them were battle hardened marines they did not want
to attract the ire of their commander. Distratix looked back at them.


“Well”? All but one of the aides took a step backwards he
looked at his colleuges with a mix of fear and anger. Distratix stepped up to
the man and put his muzzle right in the man’s face.


Well? Distratix’s eyes bored a hole into the aides face,
eons of death and destruction danced in those luminous orbs. The foul stench of
the Warp puffed out with every breath Distratix took, the man tried not to gag.
He steeled himself.

“Lord Araxus is gone my lord, he has not responded to vox hails”. Distratix rose to
his full height the man flinched a little but stayed where he was. Distratix
turned and walked over to where some prisoners were chained he picked one man
and pulled his face off a, thoughtful expression on his monstrous visage. The
screams of the man were horrifying but nothing the aides had not heard before. 

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Third page.

The aide who had been volunteered by his colleagues looked
at them triumphantly he had delivered bad news and not been killed for it, they
looked back sullenly wishing that he had been killed. Distratix’s act of
torture had calmed him down a bit but he was still angry, he promised himself a
long talk with Lord Araxus next time they met. He turned back to aides letting
the tortured man slump back half alive.


“Send some Raptors to ascertain the whereabouts of Lord
Araxus and his men. Make sure you bring Lord Araxus to me”. The aides shouted
their platitudes and went to work, Distratix lifted a finger a thin green ray
sprang from it and hit the messengers back. The man stopped still, the ray slid
all over his body covering it completely. The man started to scream and scream
the screams slowly turned to gurgles as all the man’s organic components were liquefied.
The ray snapped off and the former aides armour slumped to the ground the
remains of the man still oozing out of it.


“Clean that up”! Snapped Distratix, the rest of his aides
scurried to do their masters bidding. Distratix turned with a horrible smile on
his face and walked back into his tent. His men were smiling too their little
plan to murder their friend had worked.


At the culvert Lord Araxus was about to reach breaking
point, his blood was up and he needed action, he needed to kill. He spun to
face the Alpha.


“When will…”. He trailed off into silence. The Alpha was
starting the process to remove its helmet Lord Araxus wanted to see what lay
under that helmet desperately. Would it be scarred and ravaged like his own or
perhaps angelically beautiful like the face of a member of the Emperors
Children, it could even be a puss ridden horror like a Plague Marine.


“Tell me Lord Araxus, what do you remember about the time
before the Heresy?”  The question hit him
like a bolt of lightning and sent his mind spinning back across the millennia.
He started to speak, he spoke of the first time he saw Angron and how they had
been moulded by their Primarch into a formidable force. He told of their many
victories against impossible odds bought by the sacrifice of many of his
brothers, the honours and heads that they had collected. Then his mood turned
sour and he spoke of the other legions jealously and eventual hatred of Angron
and how Horus had helped them see the truth. That the Emperor and his lapdogs
were not the right rulers of the galaxy and that Horus and only Horus had the
right to rule mankind, his anger had been rising as he spoke of the Heresy and
now all he could think of was the many injustices that his Legion had suffered.
He looked out at his men they had all stopped their pacing and were looking at
him quietly as though they were lost in recollections of their own. Realisation
dawned on Araxus’ scarred face and he turned towards the armoured figure. As he
turned he noticed that there were a lot more Alpha’s on the sides of the
culvert easily twice as many as his own warriors and strangely enough they were
all holding chain axes. A thought drifted across his mind.


“Alpha’s don’t carry chainaxes”. Anger bloomed in his mind,
they’d been had, this was a trap and his men were in great danger. He reached
for his own chainaxe the mighty Decapitator and fully faced his adversary.


“You…” Was as far as he got, the stranger had taken the
helmet off and was standing there looking at him.


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Fourth Page.



“Beautiful”. Was the last thing he said before the stranger’s
sword took off his head, After his head had stopped bouncing and before all the
blood left his brain, His eyes saw the Alpha’s running down the sides of the
culvert chain axes screaming, his own men reacting too slowly and the Alpha’s
chopping into them. Great arcs of blood and gore fountained into the air from
the spinning axes, it was a beautiful sight he thought.  Khorne would be happy that this bloodletting
had taken place. Then his eyes stopped working and his soul was sent spiralling
into the Warp to stand and be judged before his masters Brass Throne.


The fight was quick and brutal, before the Bezerkers had
organised themselves into a defensive position the Alphas were in amongst them
chopping, chopping and chopping. The end of the fight saw the Khornates
slaughtered to a man while the Alphas due largely to surprise and the early
death of the world Eaters commander had sustained fairly light casualties. The
armoured figure had not taken part in the battle instead letting the other
Alphas do the grisly work. Now that the battle was finished and the blood was
pooling on the ground the armoured figure strode over to Lord Araxus’
dismembered body. Prising Decapitator from his cold dead hand was not easy but
finally the mighty chain axe was free. Once the blade was spinning at maximum
rpms it was applied to the wound inflicted by the armoured figure’s sword,
Decapitator was then gently placed back in the Bezerker Lord’s hand. The
armoured figure straightened, as the downwash from the transports made the dust
in the culvert swirl around and settle in the blood of the fallen World Eaters.


“Get the dead and wounded into the transports”. The Alpha legionaries
hurried to obey the command. Only when the last dead Space Marine was carried
onto the transport did the armoured figure take one last look at the small
battlefield and alight onto the transport. The flight to their cloaked carrier
was brief and uneventful. They witnessed the flood of imperial reinforcements
going to the surface at the same time that Chaos forces were starting to
withdraw. The sight gave them some measure of satisfaction, but it was not
enough to dispel their distress at seeing their fellow Marines injured or dead.


When the doors of the transport opened the Alpha leader
stepped into a busy hanger, preparations were being made for the ship to enter
the warp. Apothecaries rushed over to the transport and carried out the
wounded. The dead would also be collected and their gene seed harvested, the
Captain of the ship was waiting beside the hangers doors.


“Captain, take us into the warp, when it is safe bring us
out I have to report to Lord Alpharius”. The Captain bowed in the wake of the
armoured figure. Later the Alpha commanders armour had been removed by silent
assistants, the Captain found his commander sitting in a simple robe before a
blank vid screen he announced himself with a little cough.


“Captain.” The robed figure did not turn around.


“ Commander, Lord Alpharius has contacted us”. The Alpha
commander sat more upright.


“Put him on”. The Captain worked on the controls. An image
of the Alpha Legions Primarch came into view. He was strikingly handsome in the
classical sense, at the sight of the Alpha Commander his face split into a wide


“Sister, how did you mission go”? She grinned, her smile
mirroring that of her twin.


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Thank you, glad you're enjoying it.


Page 5.


“It went well we delayed the Chaos forces enough to allow
Imperial reinforcements to arrive.  Araxus’ mental defences were formidable but
not undefeatable. We suffered some losses but that was to be expected when
fighting Khornate troops”.  Her smile had
faded at the mention of the causalities. Alpharius noticed her mood darken. He
thought some good news was in order.


“My mission went off without a hitch two million Imperial
citizens were massacred by Chaos Marines because we let them into the city. The
Imperial defenders never stood a chance”.


“That’s good brother”. Alpharius was sure that his success
would cheer his sister up but she was still glum. He knew from experience that
she liked to talk things out.


“What’s wrong”? He asked her, she looked up at him.


“It never gets any easier some of those sisters I lost today
have been with me since the beginning”. Her eyes were glinting with tears but
she would not let them flow. Alpharius nodded solemnly.


“I know”. He said gently.


“What is it all for Alpharius”? She asked him.


“Why do we sacrifice our people like this”? A hard edge had
crept into her voice Alpharius noted it and chose his next words carefully.


“Family, we do it for our family. For so long we have been
torn apart by war, but soon sister we will bring our family back together. My
plans have been a long time in the coming but they are almost at an end. Every
little nudge that we give them brings our family closer and closer together. Now
I have something in my possession that will bring all of my plans to fruition.
But more on that later”.  He grinned and
his joy was infectious, she felt her mood lifting not entirely she still missed
her battle sisters that had fallen in combat but she’d had her faith in the
plan restored. The losses however painful were worth it if they could bring
their vast family back together.


“Are you feeling better”? She nodded.


“Yes thank you Alpharius”. Her brother could always put her
in a good mood.


“Good that makes me happy, when you have arrived at the
rendezvous come aboard my ship I want to meet your latest husband”. She nodded


“Goodbye Alpharius, I’ll see you soon”. Now it was his turn
to nod.


“Goodbye Omegia”. He made a movement out of sight of the
screen and it went blank. Omegia sat for a moment, then smiled her mood lift
had made her hungry.


“Time to see what the Captain is doing for dinner”. She
thought to herself as she left her chambers.


It is known that the Emperor fashioned twenty sons in his
image to lead his forces to war across the galaxy. What is not known is that in
a moment of indulgence he fashioned himself a twenty first child, a daughter.
On the fateful day that his children were scattered across the universe his
grief was total, but out of all his infants the one he grieved the most was his
daughter little Omegia.


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The last page, I hope you enjoyed my story.


The Chaos Cruiser Annihilator was sailing silently through
the stars. Distratix’s chambers were a triumph of gothic architecture capped
off with a massive viewport through which the galaxy revealed its splendour.
Distratix was not interested much in the stars at this moment he was staring
glumly out of the viewport.


“How did it all go wrong”? He thought to himself. He had the
perfect battle plan and had executed it perfectly one thing had gone against
him and it had cost him an entire world. An aide made his way to his masters
side a data slate in his hands Distratix barely looked at him.


“Well”? He demanded, the aide cleared his throat.


“The Raptors report my Lord”. Distratix fixed the aide with
a baleful glare.


“What does it say”? The aide swallowed audibly.


“The Raptors found Lord Araxus and his men”. Distratix
looked at the door to his chambers.


“Where is he? I thought I told you to bring him before me.”
The aide looked miserable.


“He’s dead my Lord, he and his men. They were found some way
from our position. It appears that they killed each other." Distratix sat back
in his throne and snarled, black canine lips slid over his yellowed fangs. The
aide waited sure that his death was imminent.


“Plot a course for the Eye I must report my failure to the
Warmaster”. The aide scrambled to do his masters bidding. When the aide had
left Distratix swivelled and looked out at the cold blackness of space. Little
did he know but the Galaxy was about to be turned inside out by WAR.


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