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Your experiences of the new Codex


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Now that the SoB Sororitas Codex has been out for a few months, how are people finding it in the day-to-day games they play?


Personally I play in against relatively friendly opposition (People are playing to win, but I'm not going to run into screamstars, triple Helldrake, Tau firebase support caudre etc. outside of a tournament setting) and I've found the codex to be kicking quite a lot of ass.


Dominion squads are very good, Celestine works well at harassing enemy troops now that she's better at killing lower toughness enemies, cheaper Exorcists, Penitents, MM Immolators, and smaller battle sister squads allow for much more freedom to put out a lot of firepower.


From Forgeworld, an improved Repressor and the Avenger really help to fix some of the problems with the Codex (if your meta allows them). Also an inquisitorial ally lets you field your  crusaders and death cult assassins effectively (ie. in a land raider with power axes).


Personally, despite bemoaning the new codex, I'm winning more games than ever with them and I'm actually doing better with them than my IG.


Now that you've all had a few months to try, test and tweak your Sororitas lists, what are your experiences of the updated codex? Has anyone found a killer list/ally combination? Has anyone found a way to use Repentia successfully outside of Apocalypse?

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Well I am kinda a n00b to SoB but I like it... well it is better than the wd "codex". The army has a few broken units, (Penitent Engines, Repentia, and Retributors) but the other units for the most part seem to preform well and I am winning more with my SoB than with my Eldar. This is probably because the people who I play my Edar against are more competitive than the people I play my sisters with.  

Generally the army hasn't really changed much. As it was just a codex update without models it was never going to be anything radical.


Sisters have always been strong, you've just got to stick to the army's theme of the Trinity and aggression. Be as relentless and merciless as the Sisterhood itself and you will be on the path to victory :) So for me things are more or less the same as before! Maybe not the most exciting thing to say, but there you go.

My issue with the new codex was mainly how it radically reduced my old balanced list and encouraged spam in its place. Still, it's merely an irk of mine rather then a huge problem since I've managed to come up with another balanced list and I guess I'm doing alright with it compared to the old one. I feel like my army has a few less tricks but I can make the ones I still have work.


Still haven't lost a game with it :p

Naminé, surely that is your tactical genius and nothing to do with the codex? laugh.png

More likely that the codex/army is a perfect fit for my mindset and tactics :p

My experiences playing as Eldar have been much less successful, for instance.

namine' i completely agree, its all about the playstyle of the army. Marine lists ive tried just dont seem to fit my bill. Chaos is to scattered. The sisters however ive had huge sucess with. There fragile but hardy at the same time, and they are a mid field army. Only game a lost was to a rather toolish fellow that brought 3 nugle oblits and a helldrake to a 750 list, oh well. I enjoy this version more but truth be told i had a lost of sucess with the WD dex too, and my army case has a very good chance of stopping a bullet to boot!

Even with the limited faith system I do like how this verson plays.  More options would be nice -- new models would be even nicer -- but the core is solid and still feels like a Sisters of Battle army.  The 5th edition rules and codex felt more like The Jacobus Bomb Show with and a few shooty girls.

So I think the new Codex has more or less narrowed the gap between ourselves and some of the other armies now. The new 'dex has balanced things a lot more. I mean lets face it our Canoness back in 4th ed. was a beast especially when you took 2 of them and were wrecking everything on the table. She has returned a bit though now having her command squad be viable and a myriad of other options available to her.


My experience with this codex hasn't been all bad. They appear to be on a very level playing field now and are balanced enough to fight with that a solid list will make victory the result of your rolls. I think this dex compared to the WD one is a vast improvement because we are no longer fighting an up hill battle the moment we roll for turn. It's 50/50 as much now as ever.


So far I have found that Immolator spam and the good ol' Exorcist are causing as much anguish as ever on an opponent. I love hearing the groans when I roll a 5 or 6 on the Exorcist missles. One thing I am very curious to check out in battle is a 10 sister repentia squad in a rhino because with a 3+ FnP they can be very, very good if you don't get iced on rolls to save. The squad is cheap enough that if you get 50% into combat vs. terminators you could wipe them out, and easily make the Repentia points back. 


The one question I am having is a good way to get Celestians on the board, because it seems tough to want to give up another unit for them. Mainly it's the Initiative 3 that is deterring me, if they were I4 then they would be included easily for me. How/if anyone runs them do you take them and with what?


I have found Celestine with her ability to come back is a lot easier to get her back, only have failed one of those....rolled an 11. The drawback to her now is that she is still T3, and can only return once so I have found myself being a bit more choosy with what I let her assault because she can be instant killed so easily. The way I have found taking her and letting her still wreck things is to take Ceraphims and basically give her extra wounds via LoS. 


Overall I think the new Codex is legit, not as much as the other new dex's that have come out recently, but it has a surplus of options to take that can be tough.


'Ave Imperator!

I have found Celestine with her ability to come back is a lot easier to get her back, only have failed one of those....rolled an 11. The drawback to her now is that she is still T3, and can only return once so I have found myself being a bit more choosy with what I let her assault because she can be instant killed so easily. The way I have found taking her and letting her still wreck things is to take Ceraphims and basically give her extra wounds via LoS.


Remember that if she's your warlord, when she goes down the first time she triggers Martyrdom, which means she automatically passes leadership tests until the end of your next turn....

I don't run Celestians. *shrug*


The only reason to ever run celestians was if you wanted an extra special weapon squad in an immolator, but since you can do that with cheaper, better battle sisters now there really is absolutely no point to taking celestians outside the command squad. None at all.


I have found Celestine with her ability to come back is a lot easier to get her back, only have failed one of those....rolled an 11. The drawback to her now is that she is still T3, and can only return once so I have found myself being a bit more choosy with what I let her assault because she can be instant killed so easily. The way I have found taking her and letting her still wreck things is to take Ceraphims and basically give her extra wounds via LoS.


Remember that if she's your warlord, when she goes down the first time she triggers Martyrdom, which means she automatically passes leadership tests until the end of your next turn....


Yeah I have to agree, taking her with Seraphims is the way to go, and if you can keep her away from terminators or other things that have 2+ saves she is an infantry squad nightmare. I love when SM's combat squad and you get into CC with them and Celestine being the one woman wrecking crew with the Ardent Blade and AP3 & Str 5 she kills nearly everyone before they even have a chance to strike back. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Celestians need to be Sisters Sternguard.  What if the entire unit came with stormbolters and were allowed to all make prescision shots...  Simply unit concept, the models already exist, and it gives these guys a role.  Act of Faith to maybe twin-link their weapons for a turn.  Not to powerful but exciting and useful. 

PRecision Shots + Storm Bolters sounds like a fluff nightmare, lol.


Storm Bolters are horrible, unreliable things. One of the best parts of Faith and Fire was when a Celestian joked that if she had a Storm Bolter, she could give it to the enemy to make him easier to kill.

Storm bolters as an upgrade to a unit? Sure.  Stormbolters on rhinos and drop pods? Game winners.  Plink plink the whole game, and eventually, you kill something...and if it's at the end of the game...it usually causes a morale check....and suddenly that enemy unit just ran off it's objective, and your little stormbolter that could, on your little drop pod of "meh I'll shoot something else", just won you the game. (true story)

PRecision Shots + Storm Bolters sounds like a fluff nightmare, lol.


Storm Bolters are horrible, unreliable things.

Then why would terminators be armed with them? I get that it is a crap upgrade weapon but its not bad.

Then why would terminators be armed with them? I get that it is a crap upgrade weapon but its not bad.

Because Terminators can survive long enough to unjam the damn things, making the trade-off of RoF to reliability more favourable.


People in general seem to have forgotten that Bolters are supposed to be unreliable and difficult to maintain, let alone Storm Bolters.


I mean, heck, originally, Storm Bolters used Sustained Fire Dice. One in three shots would jam the damn things! The only thing less reliable was Assault Cannons!

So i had a game yesterday at the 2k level and i played a fairly tough opponent with a farside tau list, on long table deployment, with (you guessed it) kill points. So i a little over 21 kill points (is each priest a seperate kill point cuz thats how we played it) I think was one of the worst possible matchups i could have. I had a fairly straight forward list with 2 exo's, HB rets, jacobs with max sisters and priests, 2x doms in immos, seraphs, you know the usual suspects. I did fairly well. got beat due to kill points of course but he only had 1 squad of fire warriors, 2 single suits and a riptide on 1 wound left to my ret squad, jacobs unit at about half strength knocking on the door of the rest of his stuff in the far corner. Scenerio was a loss but i count it as a a moral victory. My favorite part was turn 3 when both my doms showed up and poped longstrike and another hammerhead, and my cannoness and Co were able to charge and chop down a riptide in CC. My opponent was like golly gee just happened, and i was like what you didnt know these girls could do that? Exo's did what they do best, look big and scary and draw a lot of fire before dying.


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