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Chaos Storm Eagle Load out


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With the recent talk about the Kharibdys and large squad sizes, I've been looking at my Storm Eagle again and trying to work out what would be a good loadout for it.


Regardless of what your local areas stance on Forgeworld is, I believe the Storm Eagle can be a massive help to our army, being a AV12 HP4, 205 point assault vehicle flyer in Fast Attack, with a capacity of 20.


What weapon load out and transport contents do you believe would be most effective for the Storm Eagle?

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Without PoTMS the arment is more or less pre made depending on what it suppose to do . If it is just a transport , then switch the hvy bolters for reapers and it is done , no other weapons needed.

If it is suppose to be more like SM storm raven [a transport and a gunship] , then AC and 2 las cannons .

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I'm thinking barebone, a reaper in the front in case you really need to shoot an enemy flier maybe, though a mutimelta might be better? Since it's easy to fly up close, the multimelta should be easy to use.

However, you are paying for the rather nice pieplates whichever way you look at it, and if you are using the multimelta you are wasting the pieplates and/or the other way around. A Reaper gives some added utility, has got an ok range and doesn't cost extra. It also pairs up nicely with the pieplates.


That's how I would run it I think. Transport first and foremost, and it's actually pretty cheap for an AV12 assault vehicle that can hold 20 models. I would use other models to deal with enemy armour.


Or if you are having problems with enemy fliers you could go with lascannons, but then it gets really expensive and each turn you either waste a lot of anti-tank firepower or a lot of anti-infantry firepower.


As to what to put in it. Whatever you feel like, though something that wants to assault would probably be best (obviously). I would use a big squad of Termies or CSM I think.

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Don't the rules say that the chaos eagle comes without the typhon launcher ?


As for as which unit goes. It doesn't realy matter , if your taking an eagle for it to transport stuff , then there is probably a plan to end in melee . So HQs with terminators and generaly a death star type of unit . My problem with this is , that its on an av12 flyer and with tau being legal , I don't see how to make an eagle fit in to an all comers list.

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The chaos version can't upgrade the heavy bolters for a Typhoon Launcher, but it still comes with the big Vengance Launcher (the Heavy 2, Large Blast launcher with S and Ap like a h.bolter).


I mean, that's actually a pretty good anti-infantry weapon, and since you can't change it or not take it, I think it makes most sense to just use the Storm Eagle as a sort of big flying Whirlwind that can transport lots of stuff.

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