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Space Marine Honor Squad

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Is there a current kit for the space marine honor squad (excluding the ultramarine and blood angel ones)? I have been looking but i cant seem to find one...

If there is one ill probably use it?


However if not i am considering building one


Chapter Master, The Armour Indomitus, Power Sword, Storm Bolter, digital weapons, Auspex, melta bombs,
Total: 230 points

Honor Guard:
1 Chapter Champion, 5 Honor Guard.
Honor guard with  Storm Bolters  + bolt pistols for range weapons, 1 lightning claw, 1 power fist, 3 power swords and the Standard of the Emperor Ascendant.

Chapter Champion with Power weapon, bolter and bolt pistol.


Drop pod.

Total: 325 points

If there is no Kit i think ill build them using a sternguard veteran kit, extra sternguard storm bolters, spare command squad kit weapons, spare captain kit weapons and a Finecast Emperor's Champion for the chapter champion with a bolter added to him somewhere.

any thoughts?

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There is no other 'Honour Guard' kit.


You are expected to use the 'Command Squad' kit for all SM Command/Honour Guard Squads of other chapters, giving you one champion with powersword, combat shield/Boltpistol, standard bearer, apothecary, special weapon guy and one basic bolter guy.


Obviously, you do not need to kit them out like this. To get your options, you would have to use Sternguard Squad bits etc.

the command squad kit doesn't look anywhere as ornate as the Ultramarine's honor guard kit. ill mix them with the sternguard  to get the right level or ornate-ness needed. Ill mainly use the sternguard bodies with extra items such as banners and combat weapons from other kits.


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