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Greetings and salutations Brothers. For the Emperor!


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Hi all, I've been a long time lurker. Finally decided to join the forum due to getting back into the hobby after 4 years out. Looking to start a new army in the very near future. Originally from London but living in Manchester. Tom.

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Thanks for the welcome Captain.


Not really sure what army I'm going to go for. I've been thinking about an army with some characters based on members of the Stark family from Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire novels). For that I think a Space Wolves force or successor of would be suitable, but not sure if that's the first thing I'll start.


I think for now my feet are on solid ground in 40k but I do think that fighting in 30k would be interesting so maybe some way down the line.

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My my. It seems we have had lurkers galore crawling out to the wood work recently. Be that as it may, hail and welcome to the Bolter and Chainsword forums, brother!

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