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Are zero Marine Troop lists feasible?


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Are lists with zero regular Chaos Marine squads, and instead 4 to 6 Cultist squads for scoring, feasible?


Assuming 2000 point size and that you'd use the remaining points to fill up on Elites, Fast and Heavy.


I know HQ can make Elite Troops but my particular build has already filled HQ with a DP and Huron (for MoD).


I've never actually tried it; I've always had at least 2 CSM (with Rhinos) in addition to Cultist on top of that but I feel that they may be eating points that I could be spending on things that hit harder (further). Especially if I could just make up the bodies with Cultists.



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Not only feasible, but common.  Cultists in reserve for troops, princes, Be'lakor, Huron, or the like in HQ, more points for heldrakes, oblits, & allied daemons (which is where you get your 'offensive' scoring troops, and also where you use your infiltrate ability if running Huron)

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Typhus is also a good HQ to take when running Cultist blobs. Giving them Fearless and Feel no Pain alone can make for a nasty tarpit unit or objective holder. Couple that with the fact you can take LOADS of them per unit makes for a decent and quite popular build.


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The downside is that typhus is rather expensive.  Also, most non-marine lists I see don't run cultists for the sake of running cultists, but rather for the sake of saving points in troops to run more heldrakes, oblits, & allied daemons.  Spending more points to buff the cultists or increase their numbers kind of undercuts that.


If you're running cultists for the sake of the cultists themselves, then big squads and taking typhus is a decent call.  There's also a forgeworld character that similarly unlucks zombies, and I think even gives them added bonuses (furious charge, maybe?), from IA:A (2013 edition).  But if you're running big blobs of cultists, Typhus isn't a bad choice regardless, just to have something dangerous and killy to hide in those blobs.

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@ Malisteen. You are correct sir. Necrosius fist appears in the Siege of Vraks and is updated in FW Apoc. For about plague marine cheaper than Typhus you get a ML2 sorc with 3 pre-selected powers and the ability to take Furious Charge zombies. His unique power is relatively good at MC hunting, and he doesn't have the problems Typhus does with being slower than most escorts.  I love him with a bodyguard of PMs and 2-3 squads of zombie cultists in small games.


For anyone else with his rules: If chosen out of CSM, he doesn't have a way to plague marines as troops right?

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@Cato. Yeah, he doesn't unlock plague marines. The way I'm reading it, he doesn't unlock zombies either if he's chosen for the codex.


I've had some good work come from 2 x 30 man cultist blobs, 26 autoguns + 3 Flamers allied in. Being buffed from telepathy and divination makes them golden

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@Cato. Yeah, he doesn't unlock plague marines. The way I'm reading it, he doesn't unlock zombies either if he's chosen for the codex.

He has Typhus's plague zombie rule. Only the most pedantic and stupid reading of him having that rule wouldn't allow him to unlock plague zombies.

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Necrosius has the special rule 'Master of the Dead.' Whilst Necrosius is present on the battlefield all Plague Zombie units gain the furious charge special rule. Nothing about unlocking them, they are a troop choice in the Servants of Decay list. No unlock needed.

Typhus has Plague Zombies rule that words changing cultists to zombies.

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feasible ?? Hardly any list have csm's in them now  ( show's how incredibly bad this dex is that csm's are no long in csm list) !

Take 60+% of the list out there now ,If you take a DP instead of biker lord and retinue , you already have your no csm list.


4-5 blobs of cultist

2-3 mauler fiends , or 2-3 squads of oblits , which ever way you want to go


2-3 helturkeys of course


presto ! no csm , "csm" list


enjoy. please use responsibly

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Is Necrosius the sweet little Nurgle Sorcerer model FW released then?? This mini is rad.


In the local weekend tournaments here, Typhus Zombies has done well because it frees up points for 2 drakes and 2 maulers basically. One guy even brought 3 drakes once, he didn't make too many friends that day!! :D


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Yes. His current rules are in imperial armor: apocalypse, 2013 wdition. He has the rule 'plague zombie' and rwfers yu to typhus' s codex entry for what it does. A pedantic reading would say thatwhat thatrule does is allow you to upgrade cultists to zombies in armies that include typhus, so necrosius having that rule wouldn't actually do anything, but nobody would actually read it that way.
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I cant say that Ive ever run regular CSM in 6th edition, ever. I might change my mind if the rumoured supplements turn out to not be hogwash....but currently I find more use in unlocking NM or PM as troops along with a bunch of Cultists. CSM dont really have a place in any of my lists atm.

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