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Good News from Forgeworld


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So I took a moment to email Forgeworld, particularly asking about chaos versions of all those lovely super heavies that Loyalist marines have access to, as well as the Sicaran battle tank, here was their response:



We will be producing some more rules for various Chaos versions of Imperial vehicles at some point in the near future and the Sicaran is likely to feature in that update.


If there is anything further we can do to assist you, or if you have any queries about the information we have requested or provided, please telephone us.



Forge World


It might be time to dust off that Warpsmith!

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I'd have taken it for my iron warriors anyway, rules be damned! msn-wink.gif

Nice to know they think of us too though

You rebel!

I'm so looking forward to a fast tank with a nasty gun to add to my army. Also, this probably means rules for a Chaos Fellblade, Typhon, Cerebus, and if we're extremely lucky (or someone at FW is drunk), a Caestus!

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have you read the latest rules for the chaos spartan?


285pts, WOO we get even LESS of a discount for losing PotMS than we normally do.


Thats right for a whopping 10 pts less than the loyalists the chaos spartan suffers from the same BS rules deficiencies that our regular raider does.

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have you read the latest rules for the chaos spartan?


285pts, WOO we get even LESS of a discount for losing PotMS than we normally do.


Thats right for a whopping 10 pts less than the loyalists the chaos spartan suffers from the same BS rules deficiencies that our regular raider does.


Yeah, this really is pretty unfair. I mean, PotMS increases the number of lascannon hits by 50%, so what they are saying is if we take the basic CSM Spartan and give it one extra quad lascannon, that one should be worth 10 pts. Which is obviously ludicrous, especially when you take into account that the PotMS allows the LR to move and shoot efficiently, which is a huge deal since it is primarily a transport.


I would say PotMS is worth at least 30 pts on something like a Spartan.


But really, the bigger question is why CSM are not allowed to have PotMS? I mean, the rule was made up to make the Land Raider more fun to use in the first place (because of their very 1ed/2ed assortment of weapons), and as far as I know, Chaos still got the exact same problem that caused the PotMS to be implemented in the first place.

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have you read the latest rules for the chaos spartan?


285pts, WOO we get even LESS of a discount for losing PotMS than we normally do.


Thats right for a whopping 10 pts less than the loyalists the chaos spartan suffers from the same BS rules deficiencies that our regular raider does.


Yeah, this really is pretty unfair. I mean, PotMS increases the number of lascannon hits by 50%, so what they are saying is if we take the basic CSM Spartan and give it one extra quad lascannon, that one should be worth 10 pts. Which is obviously ludicrous, especially when you take into account that the PotMS allows the LR to move and shoot efficiently, which is a huge deal since it is primarily a transport.


I would say PotMS is worth at least 30 pts on something like a Spartan.


But really, the bigger question is why CSM are not allowed to have PotMS? I mean, the rule was made up to make the Land Raider more fun to use in the first place (because of their very 1ed/2ed assortment of weapons), and as far as I know, Chaos still got the exact same problem that caused the PotMS to be implemented in the first place.


This is one of my bugbears. I'm okay with random rolls as rules, but Chaos shouldn't be, like, straight-up bad for you. Should it be random? Well, that can be fun. I like it on Possessed. Should it be different to Loyalists? Definitely. Should it be better? Sometimes, yes. But whatever the score, lore-wise Chaos is usually tempting. It's supposed to be useful, albeit possibly at great (eventual) cost. And right now, Daemonic Possession is one of the few optional rules in the codes I'd flat-out never take.


You'd think that when a machine-spirit awakens - the souls of the tank's guns and the wrath of its essence fusing into a daemonic entity that reflects the tank's centuries of bloodshed and murderous sinning - it'd sort of be a good thing.

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I wonder what they'll do to the sicarian to make it sub par to the loyalist version...BS3, straight up +45 points or perhaps change main weapon to melee only?


instead of legacies, how many dice will we throw for our table of random chaotic effects?


No way in helbrute we will ever get a (contemptor) dreadnought pattern that has no CCWs.


sooo exited!

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I wonder what they'll do to the sicarian to make it sub par to the loyalist version...BS3, straight up +45 points or perhaps change main weapon to melee only?


instead of legacies, how many dice will we throw for our table of random chaotic effects?


No way in helbrute we will ever get a (contemptor) dreadnought pattern that has no CCWs.


sooo exited!


You can already get a chaos contemptor with Heavy bolter and CCW in IA:Apocalypse, and you can swap out the CCW for a number of choices, butcher cannon included ;)


And lets not forget it has av13 at front, with a 4+ invul against glances and a 6+ against pens (not the biro kind either)

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AngelsAbsolute, on 31 Jan 2014 - 11:24, said:

You can already get a chaos contemptor with Heavy bolter and CCW in IA:Apocalypse, and you can swap out the CCW for a number of choices, butcher cannon included msn-wink.gif

read again. you can swap the ranged weapon for a CCW, but not the CCW for a ranged weapon, plus you don't get the mortis skyfire benefit. Also, the carapace-mounted havoc launcher will never be more than the lesser half of a cyclone (not to mention that our ranged options suck compared to kheres ACs)

but hey...the loyalists even have the freedom to choose one of the (weaker) CC versions, because they get the lucius drop pod to deliver it.

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What FW chaos stuff isn't just straight up worse versons of imperial equivalents?  Maybe the fire raptor, should the chaos version not get nerfed in the final version of its rules?  That and the one or two things we get that don't have loyalist equivalents (plague drones, for instance)?


I thought I remembered our titans having some nice options imperials didn't get, but I don't have any so I can't say I looked at them in any sort of critical depth.

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What FW chaos stuff isn't just straight up worse versons of imperial equivalents?  Maybe the fire raptor, should the chaos version not get nerfed in the final version of its rules?  That and the one or two things we get that don't have loyalist equivalents (plague drones, for instance)?

Maybe the Chaos Relic Predator?  I think blood slaughterers and the Brass Scorpion aren't really answers to the question you're asking :)


I thought I remembered our titans having some nice options imperials didn't get, but I don't have any so I can't say I looked at them in any sort of critical depth.


Yes, we get some Deity-specific upgrades that can be bought, for instance, Nurgle giving It Will Not Die. Also I think Dirge Casters come standard.

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Blood Slaughterers and Scorpions would fall under that 'no direct equivalents category. Which, honestly, I'd be happy enough for all chaos forgewold options. I wouldn't mind if we didn't share units with loyalists at all. Or at least, I would mind it less than having a bunch of 'loyalist --' options.
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AngelsAbsolute, on 31 Jan 2014 - 11:24, said:

You can already get a chaos contemptor with Heavy bolter and CCW in IA:Apocalypse, and you can swap out the CCW for a number of choices, butcher cannon included msn-wink.gif

read again. you can swap the ranged weapon for a CCW, but not the CCW for a ranged weapon, plus you don't get the mortis skyfire benefit. Also, the carapace-mounted havoc launcher will never be more than the lesser half of a cyclone (not to mention that our ranged options suck compared to kheres ACs)

but hey...the loyalists even have the freedom to choose one of the (weaker) CC versions, because they get the lucius drop pod to deliver it.

I re-read it, page 61 of the 2013 Imperial Armour :Apocalypse rulebook,

"The Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought may replace its Dreadnought close combat weapon and combi-bolter with one of the following:"

And then goes on to list such items as a multi-melta, twin-linked autocannon, butcher cannon etc.

the option previous to that lists options to can replace the Heavy bolter with, such as items I've just mentioned. :)

Hey if you want marine toys use the marine dex, no ones stopping you :) Me I'll take them up on that lovely brass scorpion :P

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page 61 of the 2013 Imperial Armour :Apocalypse rulebook,


oops, had the 2nd ed. in hand - you're right! 


(rest still applies, though)


No worries mate. :)


Yeah the rest still applies, but you're chaos man, get used to the betrayal ;) Besides, FW will be sure to release some new goodies just for chaos in the next few years as the Heresy gets rolling

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I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but you know what "Imperial Vehicles" I'd like to get chaos rules?  Land Raider Crusaders, and Drop pods (as dedicated transports-not in fast attack, and not in Heavy support-as dedicated transports)


Also, they want Chaos to be 'different' from loyalists?  I got a 1 step plan for that:  Open topped, fast dedicated transports.  The only power armor codex that has 40 point assault transports in the game, and they're open topped, so we'd be easier to kill on the ride up.


I played a game where a friend of mine let me try out rhinos open topped.  It was pretty cool-I lost a couple on the way up, but being able to have the 2 beserker squads assault out of their transport was nice.


As it is with Rhinos, they're pretty much Over Land drop pods with dozer blades and dirge casters.

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