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Blood Angels have called me

Brother Icculus

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Good day! So I have about 2500 points of Black Templar that I have been working on assembling and painting. I got a surprise $40 and went out to the local gaming store to pick up something new. And I finally gave in. The Sanguinary Guard models, which I have admired for quite some time, finally yelled to me and told me to buy them. So I did.


I have now been looking at adding a Blood Angels allied detachment to my Black Templar using the Sanguinary Guard, a sanguinary priest and Dante. This is just going to be a hard-hitting deathstar squad to start. And then who knows, I may continue and expand the blood angels and get myself some fast red tanks. But I know, Sanguinary guard are not optimal, but I do love the models.


However if I go to add in some sanguinary priests, I like the idea of giving my black templar crusaders FNP also. So brother corbulo looks very tempting to take as well. Anyway, this thread is to introduce myself as a Blood Angels player (now that I have a BA unit) and to ask experience from those who have allied BAs in to other chapters for the best effect.

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Heyo! Welcome to the fold. I'm a big fan of Dante (his curse is pretty awesome). Him and some Sangunary Guard are a good turn two tank killer if you give the guard some infernus pistols. They are pretty tough too, just watch out for the obvious things (like plasma and a lot of AP2 firepower). I like priests, but they get expensive quickly. I just stick a jump pack on 'em and keep them in the middle of my squads. I run mostly jumper, so I have no experience with Corbullo, but my recent buying trends will make him more applicable for me. He is a beast, but he cannot easily ride with the other units you want.


For under 200pts, a drop-pod furioso dreadnaught is a lot of fun. AV13 front and a variety of fun weapons.

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Well, because I haven't completely finished painting and assembly my army quite yet. I may make them a special chapter and name them the "Black Angels." Then I  can switch back and forth between using the C:SM and the Blood Angels Codex. I am trying to decide whether I want to paint the Sanguinary Guard all white and give them black wings (like how the angels encarmine look), paint them all black and give them white wings, or just do the standard gold. 


And I do love me some dreadnoughts. My fluff for my Black Templars involves two dreadnoughts as important members of the crusade. I also love drop pods, it just seems like the best way to get in to a fight. Falling from the sky in a several ton ceramite box and crash-landing right next to your opponent.


p.s. I just ordered Commander Dante. That's now two Blood Angel purchases. it has begun.

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I may make them a special chapter and name them the "Black Angels." Then I  can switch back and forth between using the C:SM and the Blood Angels Codex.

That is a very good idea for increasing fun and decreasing expenses. Unless your opponents insist on wolfy bits or dresses, you could even use C:SW and C:DA.

I am trying to decide whether I want to paint the Sanguinary Guard all white and give them black wings (like how the angels encarmine look), paint them all black and give them white wings, or just do the standard gold.

While this does no longer fit with the black and white scheme, I recently found this gem in another thread.


And I do love me some dreadnoughts. My fluff for my Black Templars involves two dreadnoughts as important members of the crusade. I also love drop pods, it just seems like the best way to get in to a fight. Falling from the sky in a several ton ceramite box and crash-landing right next to your opponent.

If you really want to start the barbecue, give the Fragioso a heavy flamer. 3 templates should put a lot of hurt on whatever the dreadnought targets.
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  • 2 weeks later...

The Sanguinary guard are very vulnerable to plasma.


Add a SM chapter master with shield eternal, artificer armour and jump pack to the unit, and position him between the SG and plasma. He should absorb most of the firepower, leaving your unit of death free to go. Dante also has H+R meaning they can not be locked in combat.

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