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Green Stuff - value for money


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Can anyone tell me which of the following product gives the best value for money:

Gale Force 9 Green Stuff (no measurement)

Army Painter Kneadatite (4")

Citadel Green Stuff (20 g)

Wayland Green Stuff (9")


Also are there any difference other differences between the products? Otherwise I'm guessing Wayland's stuff cannot be beat.


Can green stuff "dry out" before it is miuxed? How do you prevent it?

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Really, it's all the same stuff-  just different packaging. The TrollTrader on eBay/internet is cheaper I believe, depending on bulk you buy in - basically, £2 for about 6" at a time, which then gets better as it gets bigger...


e.g. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Green-Stuff-Kneadatite-36-inches-/310236159605?pt=UK_Toys_Wargames_RL&hash=item483b841e75


http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/m.html?_odkw=&item=310236159605&pt=UK_Toys_Wargames_RL&_osacat=0&hash=item483b841e75&_ssn=thetrolltrader&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR11.TRC1.A0.Xgreen+stuf&_nkw=green+stuff&_sacat=0&_from=R40 for both 6" and bigger.


Their website also has more options in terms of size. 


I've never had it dry out personally - I've kept it in the packet and stored it well in the main, often comes in plastic wrap too - and then I have that in an airtight container. Does it make a difference? Probably not - although naturally, I don't truthfully know!

I had a packet of the GW stuff in a sealed plastic pack before I worked out sculpting and only used it for filling gaps. Stored it in the shed, under the radiator in my bedroom, attic, garage... Found it last month after buying it maybe seven years ago, still fine. The thing to watch is that when its packaged with the blue bit touching the yellow bit there can be a reaction between them causing little hard bits to form, giving your green mix a sort of grainy texture. I'd suggest splitting the two parts and storing in separate airtight containers.

Oh, and don't buy it from GW. their stuff is perfectly decent, but its ridiculously expensive compared to any of the other people you mentioned, and is basically identical. There are probably a dozen people on eBay alone who will sell you a foot of the stuff for what GW want for a blister pack.

I wouldn't suggest buying it from any business even remotely related to gaming, as they will all grossly overcharge you for it. I get mine from mechanical supply places and the big 36" roll is usually in the $12 range.


3 feet for 12 bucks. Let that sink in when you see some of these places selling a 4-6 inch piece of the ribbon for $10.

Link, please and now.




Actually, that is the very place I ordered from last time. Sorry, Heathens, I meant to post the link but I was dog tired last night and forgot.


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