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Tears of Night +the 111th company+

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Syndahl Vas looked at his mount knowing the lupine beast was engulfed in the carnal act of devouring it's prey, and nothing else. How he envied the creatures vise like jaws, it's feral muscle. He wondered who really was the master and who was the servant... When he had first wrestled the beast into bloody submission he had thought it was him. He bound it to his will, so he thought. But over the years the hulking mass had certainly taken a mind of it's own, one derived from a far more primal thought. He was envious indeed.


"Bloody creature", his lips barely moving. The only way a normal man would of know he spoke at all was to carefully see the thin white mist flow from his mouth. But Menerva heard it, her ear twitching slightly. It could of been from his words, or from the fist sized carrion insects swooping around the corpse she was so intently trying to swallow whole.

"Come. We must meet the rest of the boys soon, and your meal has cut into enough of my time." he said louder this time. Menerva let out a rumble much like a Dreadclaw entering the atmosphere 50 kilometers away. He knew what she meant, but at this point he didn't care.

"I said NOW!!"

Her response was slow, like the tiny little meal she had just eaten had turned her muscles into molasses. He knew she didn't care either. But she was obedient to his command, deciding not to eat him. And she had tried. Several times.


As he mounted his companion her rich musk filled his nostrils with the smell of blood. And wet dog.


This is where the Tears of Night will take shape. Where I will bring to life my vision of what a Night Lords warband would look like to reality. Right now I have nothing but lots of ideas, some silly stories, and a couple of works in progress. Enjoy them and hopefully more will soon follow.


Here is Syndahl Vas on Menerva (counts as chaos bike):

Which head do you guys like better??







Also, as a Lord on Bike, what would be an optimal weapon load out for him?? He'll be riding alongside 5 chaos bikers. Suggestions?? Comments?? More soon!!

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This one has my vote. How did you build his helmet plume?


Also, as a Lord on Bike, what would be an optimal weapon load out for him?? He'll be riding alongside 5 chaos bikers. Suggestions?? Comments??

I'm a fan of a lightning claw and the Burning Brand.


And I like the background piece. I can't wait to see more.

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@the Nephilim :

The 'plume' is actually the hair from the fantasy Dark Elf Black Arc Fleetmaster. As soon as I saw it I knew it need to be used for SOMETHING!!


@Sith'ari : Originally I had that head (#2) on a raptor body that looked as if it was moving upwards, so the hair flowing down looked much more natural. Here I agree that it isn't looking as organic as it should. But it doesn't fit the other way either, it runs into backpacks and shoulder pads...


So I'm not sure what to do with the head, although I will admit that the second head is indeed my favorite as well...


And Lightning Claw + Burning Brand is also what I am thinking. Is decent as far as table top goes, and much more importantly, it will look badass!!

More soon!!


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I'm not quite at that level with my GSing... But I might try it. I also changed the wolf itself to one that has a much more static pose to it. Syndahl looks much better atop of it instead of the one in the above pictures. Pictures up soon.


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Most of my green stuffing experience comes from filling soft armor gaps and gap filling skin on the old pewter greater daemons. From that though, I don't think it would be too hard. My approach my be more difficult, but this is how I'd imagine it working out:

1. Cut lengths of greenstuff that's been rolled flat at varying lengths and widths.

2. Stack on top of each other in a manner similar to the original plastic topknot.

3. Blend the separate bands together to emulate original sculpt.

4. Using sharp end of modeling tool, cut and sculpt individual strands as needed.

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@Nephilim: You'd think that it would be that easy, don't you??!! tongue.png I'm going to give it a shot today, but I have come up with a possible solution as well.

Off to put some paint down on Menerva today. Hope she comes out looking as nasty as she wants to be. Ms. Jackson, if you're nasty...

Here she is with some primer on her:



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@Nephilim : Yep, it is.


I have since scrapped the above wolf upon my memory serving me that I picked up a fine cast Thunderlord that I had intended on using for a conversion project. Like this one. The wolf itself has a very forward motion to it : http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440279a&prodId=prod1460183a

This is the model I speak of.

I've used the SW's Legs, cut the body from them and attached the MKIII torso to it. My conundrum is the hair on head #2. It's not fitting in with the flow of the model, and after an exhausting evening of 'sculpting' (a term I am using VERY loosely) hair from GS, I am giving up on that idea for now. I will be using that head in my Raptor squad instead.

So to touch on the thread Brother Alecium started discussing the pro's and con's of a helmeted head on a Lord, I have lost the direction for this guys noggin... I thought about using one of the other sweet Raptor heads and attaching a plume to it. The majority of bare heads I have are of a marine nature, which is good. But more so over Space Wolf bare heads, and since he's already riding a giant wolf, I want to shy away from making him look TOO much like another one of my Space Wolves. I just placed a bits order but to the dismay of my bird, I might be making another one shortly. Any suggestions?? Those of you looking at this thread and not chiming in, I am asking you as well. Can you think of a head, helmeted or not, that would look boss on this guy. Creating an air of regal evil??


Off to GS filling gaps on the old, early, :cussty 'fine'cast wolf I've got in front of me... I had to lop off his head because the cast was so off center that the top half of it was moved to the right side roughly 1/16 of an inch!! And I am not exaggerating!! More later.


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There is a bare head in the new vanguard vets box that has such a glorious sneer, it would be perfect for a lord. Just need too trim off the stupid mohawk & away you go!


Its a shame the sculpting didnt work out, but at least that sweet, sweet head is still going to get used fo something.

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Yes indeed it will Sith'ari!! Yes it will!!


I checked the head you suggested, and then added it to the bits order I just placed!!


In the meantime, I got some GS done on Menerva as well as added a couple of 'chaosish' bits to her. I also tacked the body of Syndal together to get a feel of how he will look atop of her. I am awaiting the hand on the sword hilt from the new sternguard kit to bash into a chaos sword for him, hence his lack of a right arm...





I'm not sure if I will use the chaos lord pack he's got now, or one of the old 3rd edition packs I have in my bits box...

How's this head look??


I've got a kit of raptors and some Word Bearer stuff on it's way from FW. Once that arrives and I get a bit more money NIGHT LORDS shoulder pads!!


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Can't believe you're going to use the failcast squirrel.

The work you've done so far is looking really good.

I hate you. I will never be able to look at the tail the same ever again.


That's actually a common description of it in the SW forum too. That mini often gets insulted. Between brawls, drinking and gawping at Mav's models that is.

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Jokes on you forte!! That isn't the super squirrel at all!! It's the Thuderwolf Lord finecast!! Which also looks quite a bit like a tree dwelling rodent... dammit...

And yes, Mav's minis are a beautiful, feral lot indeed!!

So I hacked off it's head and attached one I actually like. I am going to try and extend the ears and build up the mane around the neck today.


@Heinrich: I agree with the hair looking a lot like it should belong to a Divine Flayer, or some such character.

Enjoying this weather we're having??!!


@the Nephilim: Yeah, I'm bummed about it as well, but practice makes perfect I heard someone say once...

To be honest, I prefer helmetless heads for my HQ's, but this one has a nice sculpt to it, would be good for applying terror markings, and the top notch addition adds enough flavor for me to make it a worthy choice.


Thanks for the comments!!


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If you're on about the UK weather...it blows. I'm sick of getting soaked on school runs.


And as for the plume looking better on a Divine Flayed...you're right. It would. May have to have a closer look at that mini.

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"THIS, is what will happen to you filth if you are to try and follow your idiotic friend in yet another failed attempt to escape" he sneered into the slave pen. Holding aloft the head he had managed to pry away from Menerva while out on their little jaunt, he threw it at the nearest figure in disgust.


The Tears of Night where known all to well for taking prisoners and turning them into mindless drones. That fact alone had caused entire settlements on planets across the stars to tremble at night. Like a children's nursery rhyme gone all wrong. The 111th would land on a planet and quickly set to work causing chaos and malice upon it's some times suspecting inhabitants. More often than not it would be such a surprise that they would be able to take prisoners. Always striking at night allowed Syndahl and his force the element they craved, and the cry's they adored. A child's cry at night is always followed by tears. Tears from fear, from nightmares, it mattered not.


The Night Lord's had no moral compass to guide them in this world the corpse father supposedly made for them. It was all lies, and so why not live one for themselves. A lie that over time became a truth, a reality. Now it was just about fear. About death. Man, woman, infant, or animal. They would lay waste to anything that moved. Nihilistic fervor pulsing through enhanced muscle, beating in multiple hearts. So when their master made such bold and blunt statements, it was only the bold and stupid that dared to test them. Being fed to his giant beast was a common occurrence, and one that helped keep the slave encampments quietest at night.


This explains the fluff around my cultist unit. I am converting imperial guardsmen with vox relay heads into mindless shadow dwelling shells.

The idea is to either attach a bare bones HQ to the unit to act as a controller for their antenna, or to sculpt one and add him to one of the marine squads.




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So here's updated shots of Syndahl and Menerva:









I love up close shots of models because it allows me to see where and what needs some attention. I'll be working his Scabbard a bit more now, making the fur look a little more full. And it looks like I missed a sprue line on his pack, oops!!


I am waiting on the DV chosen champion mace arm for him, and a NL shoulder pad. Then, PAINT!! You're all gasping now, I can hear it. Rhaps is actually going to paint something??!! Not just show us photos of the same model over and over?? Yep. I am!! It's even warmed up enough that I might prime the wolf and her base today. Who knows!!

More soon!!

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Has anyone noticed any color differences between Badab Black and Nuln Oil?? I am at the point where I want to wash Menerva and I have both washes available, but wanted to know if one was possibly darker or more brown than the other?? I tested them on paper and can't see much difference myself.


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