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I'm curious to learn why people discard stuff as useless...


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In a fandex I work on occasionally, I changed a host of different things about Thousand Sons and Tzeentch in general. I thought Rubrics would be more fitting to the fluff if they had +1 Wound instead of an Invulnerable. It takes more to chip them apart but yeah, anti-tank weapons blow apart their armor and nuke them. Tzeentchian sorcerers could be ML2 since those not turned to dust had their powers greatly enhanced. Inferno Bolts force rerolls of successful Armor saves, making them more useful against any non-vehicle unit. Using the Icon of Fate (renamed and reworked Tzeentch Icon) allows a unit to, once per turn, reroll any single one of the following: To-Hit shooting, Armor, or Psychic; this solidifies their role as a shooty, resilient unit with psychic fireworks. Further, allowing Rubric units to take special and heavy weapons increases their utility, but only bolt-weapons still get to use Inferno Bolt rules so the more fancy weapons would incur inefficiency. Or instead of specials and heavies you could take more psykers (non-Character). I improved the Tzeentchian powers table and allowed Tzeentchian psykers access to more tables.


Also the Rubric was able to be applied to Infantry units as opposed to being a standalone unit... because, you know, Rubric Terminators.

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Oh, Oh. I played at a weird 40K tournament thingy locally. Anyway they released rule sets for lots of old army lists that no longer exist. Often based on the old rules, but updated. However some were totally revamped.  Anyway I've been playing a tide of filth list for a while (Chaos spawn, Giant Chaos Spawn, Giant Chaos Beast, lots of cultists, and a Dark Apostle)... One of the revamped lists they released was "The Lost and the Damned". So I decided to give it a whirl. Slaanesh, Nurgle and Khorn got fairly normal boosts.


Without going into details, the Tzeentch boon was +1 ML for psykers, and making it more likely that you would roll on the boon table (applied to 'imperial guard' units). It was the random god to go with, but it was fun. Half of my characters who made it the ends of my games did so as spawn XD. Which is fine when they are cheap IG characters and not 150-300pt CSM characters.

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Just had a game against 1000pts Tau, no riptides, 2 fireblades, 3 fire warrior teams, 2 pathfinder teams and 6 crisis suits with drones, plasma and missile launcher.
Needless to say I got curbstomped, but above all one thought routinely got to me.
Plague marines would be cheaper, and flat out better. Yes we have a 4+ invun, but they get a 5+ feel no pain which they get after saves, plus extra toughness, there is nothing we can do better. And that is it, there is just no way in which this codex even stops punishing you for using Tzeentch, let alone makes it good.

I mentioned I was getting fed up of routinely beaten and so may get a hell drake via ebay, my opponent who often uses riptides in 600pts+ games called it brocken and said he would refuse to play me.
I just feel this codex literally damms us to either get buttkicked or decried as cheesinators.

This codex makes you want to shelve anything but cultists, plauges and drakes and just use another army, which I admit the only thing stopping me doing is how hard my Wraithlords are to store/transport outside of a show box and lots of cotton/kitchen roll.

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In a fandex I work on occasionally, I changed a host of different things about Thousand Sons and Tzeentch in general. I thought Rubrics would be more fitting to the fluff if they had +1 Wound instead of an Invulnerable. It takes more to chip them apart but yeah, anti-tank weapons blow apart their armor and nuke them. Tzeentchian sorcerers could be ML2 since those not turned to dust had their powers greatly enhanced. Inferno Bolts force rerolls of successful Armor saves, making them more useful against any non-vehicle unit. Using the Icon of Fate (renamed and reworked Tzeentch Icon) allows a unit to, once per turn, reroll any single one of the following: To-Hit shooting, Armor, or Psychic; this solidifies their role as a shooty, resilient unit with psychic fireworks. Further, allowing Rubric units to take special and heavy weapons increases their utility, but only bolt-weapons still get to use Inferno Bolt rules so the more fancy weapons would incur inefficiency. Or instead of specials and heavies you could take more psykers (non-Character). I improved the Tzeentchian powers table and allowed Tzeentchian psykers access to more tables.


Also the Rubric was able to be applied to Infantry units as opposed to being a standalone unit... because, you know, Rubric Terminators.

I think that rubrics with the daemon of tzeentch rule instead of a 4+ invl would make more sense, so 3+/5+ and reroll saves of 1. I would also make inferno bolts cause saves to be rerolled (like misfortune) rather than be AP3 (as per your suggestion). I think both those things would fit the way they are described better, at the moment they are easiest to kill with small arms fire…


Would be interesting if the squad sorcerer could re-animate them in game as a psychic power.


Bonus spell, requires Mark of Tzeentch:

Rubric of Ahriman, Warp charge 1

Cast at the start of the movement phase. Re-Animate 1d3 Thousand Sons from the unit, previously killed during the game. Re-animated Thousand Sons are placed in squad coherency with the unit and cannot be placed within 1 inch of enemy models. Squad size cannot increase above its starting value.



I might see if some folks at my Club are interested in play testing these changes.

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