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Traitor Guard or Daemons?


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I'm looking to expand my Black Legion force by adding in allies. Only trouble is deciding which allies to go for. I like the idea a leman russ squadron or an ordnance battery but as my csm force leans more toward assault I am beginning to wonder wether the likes of bloodletters/daemonettes, a soul grinder and a greater daemon would synergise better.


Which allies do you find work best with csm?

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My personal view is that Daemos are better. Their numbers and speed can make up for the shortcomings of the CSM. Plus the should grinder is just bloody fantastic :) they also have greater synergy with the Daemons (mainly psychic powers, I don't think the ICS can join one another, because of the Daemon rule)


Guard can work, but if you decide upon then, leave it fr a month or two: rumours have them gettng a new release soon. That could change the balance of the army considerably and yo may buy a few wrong units :)


Ultimately it's your army :) its your choice

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I sometimes go with guard allies for fluff reasons, but they always seem to be underperforming for me. sad.png

Whenever I go with Daemon allies though, they seems to be doing major stuff all game through...

If your CSM force is assaulty, then you could perhaps use the long range support of the IG to soften them up before your fast units get there. :)

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As an IW player, I'd go with traitor guard for fluff reasons. But with the BL I don't see why you shouldn't pick up daemons. Just decide which models you like best and what strategy you want to pursue. Daemons definitely add more MC and close-up punch (and they got some nasty combo stuff). IG bring big guns. Both can be useful. Hint: there also might be a new IG codex at some point in the future...

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Maybe the new IG/Astra militarum codex will include some new big guns. I think I'm starting to lean toward daemons. I can see more synergy for assault and I like the models as they would give a nice constrast to my Black Legion. Plus is that the soul grinder has a miniature battle cannon, though its not 72" range the s8 ap3 pie plate is what draws me to the leman russ.


I suppose my question really should be: can I wait till the new IG codex (especially if the rumours of Imperial Knights are true, who wouldn't love a converted possessed imperial knight ;-) )


In the mean time I think I'll sub a lord of change, bloodletters and a soul grinder and see how it goes.

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I have a Crimson Slaughter Force that I'm expanding with Demons and I will tell you that you really should go with what you like the look of and then go with whatever you play test and works for you. CSM and Demons can make a "perfect" fit or army for people but you just have too look at all the different units and the synergies you get. Great assault can be in the Demon codex and CSM don't assault so great. Not bad but not spectacular.


If you haven't already read Imperator Guides breakdown of Demons he's got awesome tactic articles and does an excellent job of giving you a unit by unit focus. Read and see what sounds good to you and then look at models and go from there in my opinion. I love the Khorne units but realized I needed something faster so added some Slaanesh units as "subverters" since Khorne and Slaanesh hate each other.


Anyway Guard are a bit dated and will get an update soon supposedly. This of course will mean a few months while everyone figures out the units and tests how they work. Demons have been out a long while so you can get a good idea of what is going on and see plenty of tactics out there and not worry about buying some models that suddenly suck in a few months.


This is my 2 cents but I think it works for plenty of people. And its not like Guard are going anywhere so if you want to do traitor guard later you can always collect them up as your Runner up army (lets face it we all have a runner up that we will eventually collect).

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I don't think it's going to take months to figure out what works. Admittedly, people hyped up grav centurions when they came out, but it only took a little bit of time for everyone to realize that the "loyalist obliterators" are far inferior to their evil counterparts. A week before the codex comes out officially, this forum will probably already know what is worth getting, possibly worth getting, and junk.


edit: to OP, daemons

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As someone who started off with CSM and has expanded to include BOTH IG and Daemon allies:


I actually say take IG.


Reason; once you start assaulting with Daemons, you won't be using your CSM as much for the same. It can also be rather crowded.


So go with Traitor IG for AV14 and large pie plate Ordanance support for more options.


You can also use Creed, AlRaheem and Harker (that's 3 dudes that have it!) to Outflank cheap infantry to tie up your opponent and allow your CSM to close in.


Just my 10 cents.

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Sorry about spam but another thought:


Fluff wise, you could do BOTH and have like a Siege of Vraks Renegade and Heretics list that has CSM, Daemons and Traitor Guard. Which is what I've started modeling my stuff after.


Welcome back Lost and the Damned!

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Thanks for all the replies!


I will be getting some daemons to ally with first. I painted my daemon prince the other night and I had a blast painting with bright colours for a change and, from a visual perspective at least, the change I'm colour really sets the army off. Plus the fact that  heralds and greater daemons of tzeentch can access divination powers. 


I can always ally in some traitor guard in the future after the new dex is released.

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