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Question about belakor


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See Shrouded on pg 41 and/or Stealth on pg 42 of the basic rule book.  They stack.

But since he starts with Shrouded he does not benefit from having it applied again. The model either has it or it doesn't.  It does not matter how many things toggle the effect it is never on more than being on.  So he would get a 4+ cover save when in the open.

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He comes with shrouded already but if he casts invisibility on himself does he get the buff from shrouded and stealth? Eg 2+ cover in the open


A model with shrouded adds +2 to their cover save. It's always the same no matter how many times you are shrouded, it still adds +2 to the same.


Casting Invis. does give him stealth, though, which does stack with shrouded.

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