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Reppurcussions of the living

Argent aquila

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Part one of, hopefully, a good little story i can develop for my diy loyalists.
I'm not exactly the greatest writer, and this the boring introductory part, but i will post the more fun, bloody as soon as i can write it!

Repercussions of the living.

They had finally done it, cedova II had seceded from their oppression, and their beloved lord governor, along with the commissar and general of the cedovan imperial guard, promised a whole new grand frontier to the people of the system who remained loyal to the greater good the tau had promised them. The proud PDF and guard units of the planet casting off the Aquila and all imperial rule, letting progress and new life spread like wildfire amongst the populous.

Davin marched alongside his fellows, the sergeants' eyes beaming out from under his helm, the imperial eagle scratched off and the symbol of the tau inscribed in its' place. The lord general was a smart man, he thought, posting guards along the capitol building, and defense lasers mounted and at the ready, their long slender barrels pointing hungrily at the sky. He and his squad proudly defended the entrance gate to the main courtyard of the the spire building. Always ready, and vigilant for the pro imperial dogs that would periodically rise up and attempt to storm the gates. Chuckling to himself, he knew that the planet had the resources, the men, weapons, and the support of their saviors to aid them for when the loyalists came. He had no fears in the ability of the tau to support the humans, he was confident all men would be repelled from their home.

"Sir, vox for you," corporeal jask calmly said, handing the earpiece to his superior officer as the cool night air of the city blew through the battlements, bristling with manned guns and sensors to detect movement. It was the commander, who had orders straight from the lord general that more rioters and protests would be expected later in the night. And that all stations were to be prepared to repel them again, this time, using lethal force where necessary. Davin smiled again, broad and sinister. "Yes commander, my vox officer will alert the other sergeants." Hanging the earpiece back on the rack of the vox unit, the defense sergeant moved to the view slit oft he squat and ugly tower that stood starkly along with its' twin on either side of the main gates. Yes, he thought, let the emperor himself come, I shall not fail the greater good.

The long corridor leading from the command room of the battle barge devastation of Corinth trembled as the dark grey armored giant stalked away to the main hanger. Harus seethed inwardly as he barreled through the passage ways. A pair of chapters serfs had to duck into adjacent corridors to avoid being ground to paste by the giant pseudo god as he stormed by. Insurrectionists, that was why he was called to the bridge, judging by the depth of their heresy, leaving the emperors' light for the tau trash with heir "greater good", 2 entire squads would need to be wasted to cleanse the dirt ball that would dare defy the lord of mankind.
He entered the primary hold, his 4 squads already prepared to leave, awaiting for their sergeant to designate which brothers to take planet side. "Brothers" he boomed' " our next target is the capitol spire of the planet cedova II, their heresy, secession from the imperium. I want squads Cicorax and Jona to make planet fall and drop the designated targets."
14 astartes stepped to attention out of the 35 veterans present. On their armour numerals for various campaigns and battles marked their ancient mkIV battle plate, including the subjugation of fallirax, and the bloodbath at indora amongst many more.Leering horrific skull insignia marked the faceplate of each helmet, staring with individual indifference with a glare enough to make mere mortals tremble and beg for mercy. On their right pauldrons three scythes interlayed in a triangle designated them as a part of the deadly scythes of draconia chapter, their left, the roman numeral IV in black on a white skull showing their markings as purgation marines of the 4th war host, hunters of the heretical worlds who quell all rebellions in swift and bloody assaults.

They embarked into 2 stormravens, thrumming engines and sharp pointed hurricane bolters eager to depart with their charges. Squad cicatrix, all 7 members, strapped into their entry harnesses along with Harus as he re-iterated his orders from the captain.
" brothers, we make planet fall in 17 minutes, Jona, you and your squad will split into combat squads, one team to place melta charges on the planetary defense networks and the other to demolish the pdf and guard Barracks. Make sure the targets are destroyed, and feel free to make an example of those you wish."
He could feel his brother sergeant sneer as he and his squad heard their assignment, " with pleasure, brother." Jonas' low and unnaturally hoarse voice rasped into the comms bead.
"Cicatrix, we will also split into combat squads, kallix, i want you, dovus,oria,and phollan to take out the lord governor, we will mount his remains along that of the guards at the gate and that of the lord commissar. The three of you," he said, turning his head to those directly across from him," will accompany me in destroying the spires defenses, and open the gates for all to see our handiwork...

It will be glorious!"

How did i do for a first go?
Should i continue???

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Typing on an i pad with spell check off, i will have to run it through spell check on word later tonight, right now, i gotta go shower for school tomorrow.




alright, all fixed up now that I'm at my computer again. will get the next part soon as i said before!

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Well, here is my finish for the story, hope it lives up to something y'all would like!





Harus and his combat squad, brothers llivi,durock ,and sergeant aryas cicatrix, remained in the rear of the storm-raven gunship as the other half of the squad deployed directly to the top of the hive spire, their jump packs letting them maneuver to key entrance terraces in the dark, soot filled night. Harus silently gave a prayer to the emperor to make their work swift, so he could put his ancient power axe and tigrus styled bolter to deadly use on the defenses below, trying to keep order as a large body of rioters and malcontents roared and jeered in front of the main gates. He and his brothers, unarmed with the same jump jets, would simply land amongst the enemy directly from the storm-ravens' dark grey and black-blue hull the open topped walls would make perfect targets, next to medium emplacement towers that periodically spat death into the audience of citizens as the grew more and more restless. Soon, all will be in place, squad Jona was already prepped to engage their targets at the generatorium for the large planetary lasers, and the main barracks of the PDF not but 5 hab blocks away from their current position. They only awaited Harus to give the command.


Davin couldn't hold back his smile as he saw the stupid loyalists arrayed before him, very few were armed with more than their fists and jeering calls! He personally allowed the auto-cannons and soldiers at the wall to open fire for a split second, what power he held! Certainly on this night he would make his lord proud! The artemia pattern hellhound was already prepared to burn a path of destruction against these short sighted fools. Although he doubted it would be needed, these savages could never break the adamantine gates, proudly displaying the newer t'au symbols in place of the defaced and crippled Aquila.

He turned sharply to the right, marching to the dead center of the gates. He ordered the vox units attached to poles overhead to amplify his sharp accented voice." Citizens of avarius, please cease this folly, your disobedience will only meet with lethal force, we are at the dawn of a new age! With our new lead-" he came to a stammering halt mid sentence whenever loyalist PDF soldiers drove in on tracked chimera transports, the time for words was done, he reasoned. He dropped his comms set and turned to the nearest soldiers as the enemy opened fire. "Don't just gawk and stare, repel these unenlightened fools! The fighting, it seemed, had started in earnest. He turned to his right smartly, and began pacing along the wall to and from the nearest emplacement tower on his right bellowing orders, not noticing the dark grey monster that fell from the heavens to reap its' bloody toll on those below.


Space marines aren't usually known for their subtlety when entering combat, but as the storm-talon came in and opened its doors above in the black night sky, what soft sounds made by the landing of the emperors' finest was easily covered by the constant rattling and clanging of the auto-cannons and heavy bolter turrets as they spat death out from in between the large viewing slits across the armored towers of the main wall. The loyalist PDF distraction had decided to intervene and provided ample distraction for Harus. He gave the word for his other combat squad to move into position to end the governor and commissar lord in tandem. As his ceramite clad boots made contact with the roof of his target tower he kept low, along with his brothers, each above one of the 4 emplacement towers.

He swung quickly inside from the back view-slit of the tower, and was amongst the un-prepared crew of a hard mounted stubber in seconds, the firsts' cries were immediate as he swung his axe into through the Chest of the comms operator seated nearest to him, his corpse falling in two pieces to the floor along with part of the back of the chair he had sat in. Another man, the loader, had turned to grab another drum just in time to see his fellow bisected, and began to scream, catching the attention of the rest of the men in the tower just in time to have a bolt shell explode mere feet from his face as it exploded in a storm of metal fragments. Ripping his face into a horrible mess of meat and gore, and flaying the gunner of the stubber as he looked away from gunning down a group of men huddled around their burning chimera. The next man had his rifle up too slow, and died frothing blood from his agape mouth as the short handled axe plowed into his chest cavity and he slumped against the desk he had been lounging at moments before. Harus recieved kill confirmations from his brothers on the walls, and the towers began falling silent.


The enemy was falling back, the loyalist scum being beaten into submission, and yet, something was wrong. Davin could no longer hear or see the nearest towers' heavy stubber emplacements as he turned toward them from his pacing. He began to calmly walk to the door to the tower commands in his lips to berate the crew for taking too long, he would have their heads for lacking the discipline to keep fire on targets, even those as weak as these other men. When he opened the door to the building, he entered a charnel pit. Blood, fresh and bright, shone in the luminator lamps that still functioned, corpses in various states of destruction littered the ground, and he saw the avatar of such a fate wrench a crackling power axe from the upper chest of his vox operator, and his blood ran cold. The astartes didn't let him fall back onto the walls' main walkway, and grabbed the small man by the arm, and hurled him into this ballroom of death, the tendons holding his arm in place snapping under the force, and his back breaking under the impact against the far wall. Other soldiers were taking notice of the lack of fire, and began entering the room, saving Davins' life as the scythe turned to unleash single shots into targets cramped in doorways, burning hellfire rounds lighting on fire as the were blown back in the shells' explosion. Just before blacking out, he saw the leering death skull on his would-be killers mask, and the triple scythe emblam on the angels' right shoulder as it blew out the door to move on to another kill, then everything in his sight went red, then to an agonizing black.


Harus heard the crump of explosions a few clicks eastward, and smiled under his helmet as another followed suit. As he calmly obliterated the entrance door to the main wall he ordered his brothers to begin slaying those that were in command, and to eviscerate and scar those that they could get to swiftly. The men in front of him only just began to realize their peril when his hellfire rounds flew the short distance before pummeling his targets, men died screaming and writhing as they were immolated on the spot, a few even being blown off the walls and into the confused dead-zone between them. He reloaded his bolter as he back handed another mortal, breaking his bones and snapping his limbs as his charge broke and failed. The guardsmen were quickly losing morale, their leaders dying first to the bolts or blades of his half of squad cicatrix.

Brother Durock gave a yell into his comm, only his brothers able to hear him in their silenced armor, as a hellhound bathed him in fire. The searing heat only enough to make the hardened veteran angry and char his already dark armor plate as he shot off the sighting tools for the turret, still trying in vain to immolate him. Llivi delivered his own Melta bomb to the left side track of the tank, and it's pitiful attempt to stop them was ended in its own fireball. "Brothers, the enemy falls like wheat before us,the walls are all but silenced, let no able bodied man stand to tell the tale of us to their allies, leave none alive." Harus continued through the last of the fleeing men, and prepared to fire upon any target he justified worth attention and still breathing. He turned to regard the doors of the palace proper as they opened, a platoon of soldiers, storm troopers, ran into the open and began to fire unsteady shots at their super human targets, their helmets providing more accurate kings of sight in the dark than the regualar soldiers'. He moved to intercept.


"Brother Harus, we have successfully ended our targets, we will pull out and meet you back aboard the devastation." Jona said, his sharp tone hinting at his jealousy of his brothers. " hang some for me" he ended as he cut the link. " brother kallix, are the governor and commisar yet slain? I expect you to arrive shortly." Harus grunted as a lucky shot from a plasma gun scored the edge of his chest piece, giving the soldier just enough attention to cut the arm off that had pulled its' trigger." We will descend in a moment, with the prize in tow. None of the serfs have realized their lords are already gone." His brother responded curtly. " we will arrive to the exfil shortly."



Whenever the PDF troops returned and managed to crack through the gates, taking the last of their supply of grenades and bombs, they entered a courtyard of corpses, some cleaved in twain, others burned cadavers. A tank still smouldered as it's promethium tanks emptied. Amidst the carnage amongst them, the desecrated corpse of The Lord general hung, missing an arm and leg, from the palaces grand archway entrance, a long thin rope gouging the base of the neck. Limply hanging upside-down next to it, suspended by the feet, was the headless corpse of the commisar. The bodies of some of the enemy soldiers were aligned into a macabre message, marked by the head mounted upon the commissars' own power sword. "The repercussions of the living, and the path of the heretic."

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  • 4 weeks later...

i was working on something else, i often get bored in school, so my pen hits paper or fingers to i pad sometimes, the main character astartes are veterans from a hard fought victory against word bearers and nightlords, so their dark fighting style and dour moods are attributed to the hard won victory against the terror inducing nightlord raptors, from whom they learned much from as the guard regiments attached to the loyalist cadre were massacred. basically, they copied the hard hitting of the word bearers, and got a new paint job to be much like the night lords. a potent combination if i do say so myself.

as far as more info about the chapter, i agree, i have a few ideas about something to impress the reader that i got from the index astartes page i made for them on this site. plenty of stuff to write about!

like i said at the start of the story, i'm a beginning writer, so it takes me a while to get something as good as some of the other stories posted can turn out. thanks for the suggestion, hope to post something good soon!wink.png

oh yeah, here is brother durock, in case anyone was interested:


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Looking good. thumbsup.gif Could you post the link to the IA site for your chapter so I can have a better look at their background.

I posted some ideas for the origins of the Libators chapter (2nd Founding UM successors). Perhaps you could give some comments when you have time? blush.png


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sure, here is the link to the index astartes page




and another to the WIP i started not too long ago for them also:



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so, i'm not exactly sure whether or not i should begin a new thread, or maybe edit this one to accommodate all of my writings, but, here i have the opening to another story, maybe continued as it is written, maybe in a different format, depends on whether i can come up with a good way to continue the story from here........ anywho, here ya go guys!




Phantom of Styx


The whole system was in chaos, planets suing for secession from the greater imperium, for the seditious acts of the devious tau.One of many,Lorehnn would leave the embrace of the emperor and join the fight that claimed millions on nearby planets. The loyalist guard regiments laying siege to capital cities, and the traitors and turn coats defending their new claims, supported by the xenos filth and their greater good as the yearly monsoons roared up above.The muddy, corpse chocked earth was covered in the scars of war, lines of trenches, large ferrocene bastions, and impact craters were scattered in a sea of tangle wire and hidden mines, ant like infantry, living and dead, holed up throughout the war-scape, their assaults supported by lumbering war machines. The assault on Lorehnn was sapping the very life from the planet, ashes fell and smoke rose from the brown badlands that plastered everything in a dark, coal black muck.




The sky suddenly screamed and the ground shuddered, the black clouds pierced by lances of white fire, the metal spear tips streaming towards the earth in a conflagration of atmospheric entry. The loyalists calling out in desperation for aid to save the system, were answered by death itself. As the ground was immolated by the jarring impact of drop pods, the voices of destruction began their deadly work. Several of the landing craft opened and, instead of soldiers, large cannon and missile launchers folded out on servo arms and peppered the stunned traitors and tau infantry with a heavy curtain of fire, the death storm pods reaping untold casualties before the enemy gained sense to go to ground against the merciless mechanical onslaught.




The scythes of draconia, their grey and bone armour thick and nearly impenetrable, stride forth from their landing craft, bolters and assault weapons adding their roar to the din of battle, and a trio of storm talons broke into the airways of the cities' outer walls, what little resistance from the anti air batteries crushed by typhoon missiles and plasma cannons, followed behind by a wing of stormravens, each carrying soldiers and a looming dreadnought chassis under their magna grapples.The largest of the assault boats, thunderhawk transports, added their volleys to the lightning assault that left the defenders dead and dying, several predators and rhinos accompanied the 2nd war hosts' single land raider, siege breaker, into the fray, along with the striding of an ancient warrior, standing above the defence bunkers with defiance and surety, an imperial knight in similar livery to the astartes strode forth, it's rapid firing battle cannon firing on key tau walkers and tanks.




The free blade, phantom of Styx, cleaved a riptide in two as it strode towards the walls of the city with a sense of purpose, the smaller vehicle detonating and causing the ion shielding of the knights' armor to flare, as it's' twin flew back phantom of Styx leveled a salvo of shells into it and punched through the bright red armor of the other riptide, severing its' chest from thruster legs at the waist and blowing off an arm clutching a large cannon futilely.large earth shaker batteries hammered the walls in front of the ancient and revered killing machine, while the heavy stubber mounted to its chest fired at infantry as they fled from the hulking mass of adamantium plates and piping. In the impressive field of view offered by the machine, its' pilot could see the spearhead of armor that Styx trailed. The land raider, vindicator, and a trio of predators fired volleys at a weak section of the wall, their massive companion providing more than enough support fire to keep the enemy anti armor formations that survived out of the way. Another few shots from the battle cannon sent a malcador defenders' prow hurtling off of the ground before it came crashing down again, lifeless, its' metallic corpse shuddering and spraying destroyed tracks and armor plating into the renegade infantry that it had been protecting from a tactical squad in a nearby trench. Suddenly, a pair of sleek alien fighter craft came streaking into view, the rockets and lascannon salvos of a stormtalon sending one crashing to the ground, and the second coming in low, with a strange weapon hidden up underneath its' alien shaped hull, the spinning circle shaped bomb generator emitting a bluish ball of plasma that shot out screaming towards the free blade, shooting streaks of lightning across the metallic sarcophagus of the great warrior as it impacted into the rounded shoulder plates of the war walker. Systems overloading, and servo motors cringing under the explosions' extreme pressure, phantom of Styx began to stumble forward, faltering under the effects of the strange weapon as the bomber began to circle for another pass...

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Good read. The drop pod description is my favourite:

"The sky suddenly screamed and the ground shuddered, the black clouds pierced by lances of white fire, the metal spear tips streaming towards the earth in a conflagration of atmospheric entry. The loyalists calling out in desperation for aid to save the system, were answered by death itself. As the ground was immolated by the jarring impact of drop pods, the voices of destruction began their deadly work. Several of the landing craft opened and, instead of soldiers, large cannon and missile launchers folded out on servo arms and peppered the stunned traitors and tau infantry with a heavy curtain of fire, the death storm pods reaping untold casualties before the enemy gained sense to go to ground against the merciless mechanical onslaught."

The action is gripping.

Will have to check spelling here and there though. And you might want to change the name as Wrath of Iron is also the title of Chris Wraith's Iron Hands novel.


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Well at least you can play the great minds think alike card because Chris Wraith's novel is a REALLY good one.


There is a great deal of creating space in your story for a catchy title. You'll think of something.

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