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Displayboard/Diorama ideas


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Inspired by this marvelous piece of work;

I've wanted to make something neat that isn't a single model. Everything looks far cooler in a context!


A nice diorama or displayboard would be really fun and rewarding to use both at home and at tournaments to boost your softscore.


I've narrowed it down to three possible enemies factions and three different environments:



Plague Zombies



Space ship interior




Which combo would you find most interesting?  Do you perhaps have a diorama/board yourself that you would like to show off? 

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Personally, I'd go for a ship's interior, with zombie crewmen attacking either Guard, or Marines, that were sent to investigate a distress beacon. Maybe something along the lines of the squad sent in has just found the device, and is now being swarmed by the zombies.

Kinda something like Death Troopers (a star wars book, very neat)

Daemons in a wasteland, nids/zombies in a cityscape... the choices are interesting.

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Out of what you've narrowed it down to, I would go with Daemons in a spaceship. A failed Gellar field leading to a horrifying experience within the ship, Daemons coming out of walls and floors and all kinds of nightmare material.


My own personal idea for a diorama is Blood Angels vs Tau, which I think I will begin working on some time later this year.  Assault Marines smashing into a Tau line, some on the ground and engaged, some still in the air about to slam down into the melee.

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I agree that nids are a bit over done. I thought about orks but of all the horde armies (to contrast the elite Marines) they will be the most difficult to batch paint. 


Right now I'm either leaning towards the ruined cityscape with zombies (easiest, more likely to finish in reasonable time) or the ship with daemons (best modelling opportunities but more time consuming). 






There's also a short story from 2nd ed in which a blood angel assault squad help some Mordian Iron guard crush a renegade strong hold that I always liked.

If you've read it I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about.

Not sure though how well that would translate into a diorama. 

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There's also a short story from 2nd ed in which a blood angel assault squad help some Mordian Iron guard crush a renegade strong hold that I always liked.

If you've read it I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about.

Not sure though how well that would translate into a diorama.

Guardsmen pinned down outside a building, Blood Angels kicking on the walls, renegades cowering? I would freeze it at the moment of impact, the wall buckling under an assault marines armoured tread, renegades scattering.
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