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Close Combat weapons and pistols


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I was told by a GW employee that pistols are close combat weapons, thus they can add an attack to a unit.  For example a 5 man assualt squad charges and gets 1 attack for the marine.  1 for the charge. 1 for the Hammer of wrath (jump packs) and one for two close combat weapons (pistol and chainsword)for a total of 4 in the initial charge? 


Secondly if a pistol can be used in close combat say it is a plasma pistol would you go off the pistol profile? so the strength of the weapon would be 7 and AP of 2? wielded at WS of 4?

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Yes I own a copy of the rule book, and I loaned it to a a group of friends who are looking to get into the game.  So the reason I asked is because I don't have my rule book currently and google yielded nothing, but thank you for asserting your dominance in a chat room.  

Are GW employees so bad now that what they say requires disbelief? Surely it hasn't come to that quite yet...

I'd not call this fishing for rules, this is just a request for clarification on how pistols work in close combat. It's not like anyone is asking for a complete run down on the assault rules. Otherwise we'd hardly get to discuss anything if we can't talk about how a rule works - even the basic ones. Everyone was a beginner once and even the hoariest of Veterans can forget or get mixed up with old rules smile.png

This is a question that has already been answered in the Rules section though, which is a more appropriate place for it. So where Google may have failed the B&C's search function does not. It's always a good idea to see what the search throws up if you have a specific question, as there's a fair chance someone else has already asked it for you.

Yes I own a copy of the rule book, and I loaned it to a a group of friends who are looking to get into the game.  So the reason I asked is because I don't have my rule book currently and google yielded nothing, but thank you for asserting your dominance in a chat room.  

"Yes" would have sufficed.  It was a question about your resources, not your values.


Hammer of Wraith: p37

Jump packs and assaults: pg 47, first paragraph after the introduction

Multiple weapons: pg 51, bottom right

Pistols: pg 52, top right.  The second paragraph deals with pistols in assault

I would also recommend re-reading the whole Assault Phase section that begins on 20.  It might become much clearer once you also understand the details.


The rules you need are scattered throughout the book and I understand it can be hard to find what you need. 

Nicely done Fib. This is one of the reasons why I took back my rulebook from friends, aside from being at work right now I quickly missed being able to read it whenever the need arose. A re-read is always a good idea if you've not entirely clear on how a phase of the game works.


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