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T5 5w 4+......quad gun bait. its not particularly offensive either beyond its vector strike.


Remember if it vector strikes it can only shoot 1 weapon in the shooting phase.

It's got the same defensive stats as the harpy, as I was doing a comparison of the two. I already know that Flyrants are vastly superior to both of them, but Flyrants aren't competing in the same FOC slot.


If a Crone is able to VS a unit, it's more than likely close enough to drop it's drool cannon on something too, which still wounds most infantry on a 2+ and has a shot at rear armour of ground vehicles. It's not really worth firing a lone Tentaclid, it's best to wait for a flyer to appear and forego the VS to send a pair of Haywire 'missiles' their way.



and bolters, pulse rifles, shuriken catapults, hell even lasguns.........

Don't forget markerlights >.>
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We don't really have any 'bad' units against nids that we wouldn't consider as bad (Hi Possessed/Thousand Sons/Warptalons) or good (Hi Heldrake, Axelord) in any other context anyway.


I'd say that Hadesfiends and Noise Marines are extra solid choices though.

If it's anything most nid-lists hate more than S8, it's S8 that ignores cover.


Nurglespawns would probably also be able to hold their own vs most of their units, and isn't really afraid of rendingclaws.

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