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Enthusiastic Arrival

Sadistic Imp

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Hey guys!



I was advised to have a look over these forums to help improve my knowledge and skill of Warhammer.


I'm from Whangarei in New Zealand and recently have been drawn in by a couple of friends to start war gaming. I've decided to jump into Warhammer 40k as I have a rough general idea of the concept and also have been drawn to the models. Guns and grenades!


I've purchased my first squad of guys, it was a basic tactical squad and the chapter I have chosen is the Raptors, the branched off chapter of the Raven Guard. The history and the colour scheme has caught my attention. I'm looking at about 1000 points to get me going and learning the ins and outs of the game. I have a rule book and a codex, but have yet to read either.


I reckon if I can get my camera to work well enough, I might post a little log of my painting and the progression of my army.


I'll be posting around and checking out the tutorials, I'm afraid my painting skills aren't quite adroit but regardless, room to improve.



- Imp

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Welcome to the B&C mate!


And welcome to the hobby too! Raptors are a solid Chapter choice. Simple paint scheme, no real bias towards any particular form of warfare (fluff-wise) aside from whatever works! And best of all, you get to use real world military kit and practice to inform your conversion choices!


If you haven't seen them already, you can find the Raptors' Chapter Tactics here once you're familiar with your Codex. Forum-wise, the other Raptors hang out in the Raven Guard subforum. However, and don't tell anyone I said this, the Ultramarines subforum and the Black Templars subforum both have better tactical discussions of units (Tacticum Macragge threads and Unit of the Week threads, respectively) if that floats your boat.


As for improving your painting, find some inspiration and go for it! And never be afraid of going back and improving your old paintjobs on 'completed' models.


Once again, welcome to the B&C, the Adeptus Astartes, and the hobby!

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