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They are a little underwhelming, yeah.  Functional, at least in casual contexts, but not a lot to write home about.  I'm not sure exactly what I'd want to see on them that would make them more exciting.  I keep returning to the two other walkers we have, and I just have a hard time picturing how each of four different walkers in the same army could be independently exciting or interesting.

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I like the Hades better mostly for range and because blast wepaons at BS3 is not reliable at all. 


I would trust a blast weapon at BS3 to hit more often than a normal weapon at BS3.

At least half the time a blast will scatter over 4" away and do nothing.  With a hades AC, half the shots miss but that means 2 shots still hit.


Either/or.  It is not that big of a difference, really.  It's like debating between Taco Bell's burritos or tacos when the real answer is don't eat fake Mexican food from Taco Bell.  But it's last call and all the good places are closed so whatcha gonna do? 

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^^ Very true.


I was just relying on the 1/3 auto-hit from the scatter dice, if you can position it to hit 3 models, those 3 ectocannons should do something!



I keep returning to the two other walkers we have, and I just have a hard time picturing how each of four different walkers in the same army could be independently exciting or interesting.

I had a thought a while back that a plasma cannon, missile launcher havoc launcher dread would be a nice option for blast template fun, but then checked and seen out dreads cannot take havoc launchers...


I think, however, you can load up a defiler with reaper autocannon, 2x havoc launchers, combi bolter, combi flamer. Expensive, and pointless as you cant fire the battlecannon...

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now it may be that I just think maths differently, but while the average roll amount of hits from a hades fiend is 4, and vs flyers is 1. whatever. Rolling more dice increases your maximum potential. 4 Krak missiles can only score a maximum of 4 hits, while a hades can do a maximum of 8.

Daemonforge is nice, and would be so much better if you could use it after you hit, so you could actually see how effective this once per game ability will be, but its still nice.


I mainly used my hades fiend alongside some autocannon havocs, and they both performed pretty well, shame the fiend costs an extra 60 points, but I've had it destroy a landraider (havocs got no chance), instant death t4 enemies and down more flyers then I can care to remember. 


While I love the thought of a tripple ectofiend, the inability to hit air targets has put me off. As I don't pack alot of anti air.


Oh and maulerfiends are good fun, but you need several.

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