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Highlander type army list for chaos


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Just stumbled upon this "new" ruling (aparantly some tourneys in the UK use this). Its basicly the idea all unit entries save from troops are treated as 0-1 (yes also transports), this seems interesting. So with this ruling added how would you build your chaotic army lists?


Note: i find this idea rather refreshing.

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Would they still accept the rule that Chaos HQs with Mark will allow cult units as troops (Plague, Noise, etc.)?


If so, I would have a Lord with MoS, a DP, flood my detachment with regular CSM and Noise Marines, have Rhinos with Havoc Launcher, have a squad of 3 Oblits and a Heldrake (points limit permitting).


I would also take a Firestorm Redoubt (nowadays I always take an FR at 1500 and up pts).

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Yeah, there's some variations on it, but it's usually:

Sometimes no allies

No doubling of choices unless troops


Sometimes you have to have one of each troop before you can double up.


Honestly it's fun and a space marine player came third at the Caledonian uprising recently with a highlander list.


I'd probably run something like

Nurgle Lord on bike with fisticlaws

Sorceror on bike

5 plague marines with double plasma in a havocback rhino

10 csm with double plasma in a havocback rhino

10 cultists

10 cultists

5 nurgle spawn


2 nurgle oblits



That's under 1500, I might try a second squad of plagues or bikers depending on the points limit.

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Still thats a lot of points that are stuck in that single unit, 450 for a basic leman Russ unit wich could be destroyed on t1 by a single droppod suprise unit.

Well then, let me just pack a Chosen squad with four meltas into a. . . drop. . . pod. . . damn. verymad.gif

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So, are doubled up transports allowed or not? The original post seems to say no, but several of the suggested lists incorporate multiple rhinos...

I assume troop dedicated transports are allowed to be duplicated, it seems implicit in the rules, but I could be wrong.

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Man way to kick non marine armies in the nuts .

How do they expect armies that have 1 [sometimes less then 1] viable unit per slot . Marines have it easy take a las/AC pred and a LR and sure it does cost more , but you have the same 2 anti tank units you had before . A sob player can do what without 2+exos? Or tau without tides and without ally , will get rolled in melee by biker lists . In fact considering the set up I struggle to see how tau  could build  an army that beats biker lists and other lists at the same time while using everything as 0-1 that isn't troops.

Eldar without the baron aren't as good either , at least they don't have to worry about Tau , but still there is a big difference between being hit and run with a +2inv and being +4/+3inv  without hit and run.

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honestly, the highlander system is crap, it fails almost completely at its desired goal as armies like eldar and tau laugh due to their solid choices through the codex while armies like nids and chaos get hosed due to their reliance on specific units

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yeah , then try to make an orc or sob list with 0-1 in anything but troops and remember that marines and eldar will look almost the same as they do now and that your making a tournament list .

Depending on the point limit, SoB could do some rockin' things still. For heavy support, both Retributors and Exorcists are good. Troop squads can go up to twenty, and a command squad can act as support for Doms or Rets. Seraphim aren't something I usually take more than one squad of anyway, same with Repentia. The worst thing about it is it limits Dominion and Immolator spam, but if the game is small enough other units can pick up slack.

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Still thats a lot of points that are stuck in that single unit, 450 for a basic leman Russ unit wich could be destroyed on t1 by a single droppod suprise unit.

Well then, let me just pack a Chosen squad with four meltas into a. . . drop. . . pod. . . damn. verymad.gif

Havocswith Meltas in dreadclaw are a bit cheaper, unles that dreadclaw is that legion grown up droppod. tongue.png

As for those who dont like the idea of having restrictions on spam type lists, i feel sorry for them, thinking up new things might be harsh.

Reminds me of the following btw:


Yes spamming has resulted to this ruling idea, i guess.

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Good luck dropping that dreadclaw into melta range.  Remember, it scatters like any other deep strike, and unlike the drop pod (which, remember, costs less than half its points) it just straight up mishaps along with the unit it's carrying if it lands on impassible terrain or within an inch of enemy models.

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Still thats a lot of points that are stuck in that single unit, 450 for a basic leman Russ unit wich could be destroyed on t1 by a single droppod suprise unit.

Well then, let me just pack a Chosen squad with four meltas into a. . . drop. . . pod. . . damn. verymad.gif

Havocswith Meltas in dreadclaw are a bit cheaper, unles that dreadclaw is that legion grown up droppod. tongue.png

As for those who dont like the idea of having restrictions on spam type lists, i feel sorry for them, thinking up new things might be harsh.

Yes spamming has resulted to this ruling idea, i guess.

Yup, because if you liked running terminators because of theme, well :cuss you mate.

seriously the claim of "spam" is just stupid

No really there is so much highlander just unashamedly destroys in the misbegotten name of doing GW's job for them.

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Hey, there's nothing wrong with wacky formats like this.  It's not trying to replace or fix 40k, it's just trying out a neat restriction to see what happens, like highlander in magic, which I assume it's based on.  Of course it's not going to be more balanced, but it will be different, and sometimes different is fun for it's own sake.

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We had one small tournament like this, but that 0-1 restriction was on troops and transports too, except Sisters of Battle and old Black Templars. It was quite fun, as I was getting tired of millions drop pods and MSU spam. Battles were very intense and interesting, as most armies were pretty much forced to take units that generally considered bad.
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