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Highlander type army list for chaos


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2xdires serpent=troops

1xFD serpent 0-1

1xWK 0-1

1xseer 0-1

1xWS 0-1

1xWW 0-1


no ally , 3 serpents , 1MC , FD/WS/WW run the same way they are in normal lists. I would play with that .


Or the more extrem version





1xRaver titan

2x bunkers with void shields

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I have to say, I'm a little disappointed by the disparity of what I imagined a Highlander Type army was about, and what it actually was about.


I imagined that all Characters couldn't be killed except by other characters in a challenge.



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Man way to kick non marine armies in the nuts .

How do they expect armies that have 1 [sometimes less then 1] viable unit per slot . Marines have it easy take a las/AC pred and a LR and sure it does cost more , but you have the same 2 anti tank units you had before . A sob player can do what without 2+exos? Or tau without tides and without ally , will get rolled in melee by biker lists . In fact considering the set up I struggle to see how tau  could build  an army that beats biker lists and other lists at the same time while using everything as 0-1 that isn't troops.

Eldar without the baron aren't as good either , at least they don't have to worry about Tau , but still there is a big difference between being hit and run with a +2inv and being +4/+3inv  without hit and run.



Were I playing under these "less awesome rules than I thought they were" I'd take tau enclaves, and use Crisis Suits as Troops, 1 Riptide, 1 Stealth Team, 1 Hazard team, 2 pihranas (Squadron), Marker drone swarm, Rail/Ionhead and Skyray and 1 Railside Team.


Everybody loves the new hotness Riptide-and it's great mind you, and BOY is it a firemagnet.  But my crisis suits have always been the bread and butter of my Tau lists-able to fight and function with-or without markerlights.

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