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Chaos Storm Eagle?


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Been playing CSM for some time now but I only just realized that we can take a Chaos version of the Storm Eagle (duh).


Anyways, being an AV12 Fast-Attack Flyer at similar cost to a Land Raider (and for that matter similar to a Storm Raven), with greater transport capacity, being an Assault Vehicle, being able to take Vengeance Launcher AND Multi-Melta AND LasCannons, being able to take Dirge Caster, is there any reason we wouldn't consider it (apart from the ridiculous FW cost)?


Even without the transport, I would think that it would be a significant anti-armor complement (albeit at double+ point cost) to a Heldrake, no? And, whatever drawbacks it may have (coming in Reserves, etc.) would be the same as the Heldrake anyway?


It's stamped regular 40K approved in the latest IA:Apoc.


Just wondering because I haven't seen any lists with it yet.

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I've been writing one into my lists, although with the much-rumoured new CSM sprues scheduled for this year I'm saving my vouchers. It really is quite a pricy piece of awesome, isn't it?


The problem with it is - do you really want to sink £93, hours of hobby time and love and attention into a unit that could theoretically get shot to pieces the very second it arrives on the table? But I suppose that's true of all the expensive vehicles.


My current reasoning for one of these delicious bits of tech is as a niche-filler, ie a transport that my assault-heavy army can actually use to get into combat, unlike my Land Raider, which has the uncanny habit of being vaped on the very first turn or can't quite make it into assault range before getting immobilised or wrecked.


....alright the one time it did get into assault range it rammed through an Aegis and disgorged a mob of screaming Berzerkers right into a group of Imperial Guard, butchering them horribly (may have had a minor fluffgasm when that happened).


So my meta-Storm Eagle is currently filled with 19 Khorne Berzerkers and Khârn The Betrayer. ZOOM, JUMP OUT, CHARGE, SMASH FACE. Then the SE starts mincing vehicles with its impressive array of AV weaponry. I expect this would come in most handy against IG armies, really. Dropping an assault unit right into them then turning their precious tanks into scrap metal.


Except it probably won't work like that because it's such a fire magnet.



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Proxy one and find out msn-wink.gif

My preference would be for a Spartan if you just wanted troop transport, but that's me. I'm definitely feeling the FW love with regards to the awesome kits they're putting out.

Oh and lets not forget, if you want a dedicated gunship for aerial support, Chaos can also take the new Fireraptor msn-wink.gif

4 Hps, TL Avenger bolt cannons,2 independant quad weapons (I'd suggest the reaper battery at +10 points) and 4 hellstrike missiles, it's no slouch.

Edit: Why not take a storm eagle AND a fireraptor? That way your opponent is screwed ;)

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The eagle's nice as a hybrid gunboat/transport, better than the landraider anyway, but if you're looking for assault delivery only it suffers from waiting for reserves rolls to arrive and being unable to charge out of it the turn it does, meaning a T3 assault at the earliest and T4 or later fully half the time.


It's effectiveness is very dependent on your opponents' anti-air capabilities.  Against most factions, AV12 flyers are pretty boss (though you'll probably lose it the turn you hover to drop cargo).  If you often run up against Tau, though, there's a good chance you'll lose it before you can do anything with it.


And then there's the issue of the chaos version lacking machine spirit for little noticeable discount from the original price... but that's not really anything new.

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It's a great looking model, and when it works, it breaks face. Quite often it plummets shrieking from the sky in a 700pt fireball of doom and flak-shredded misery.

Also, its an absolute dog to put together.

I have a codex one rather than chaos. But I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

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The eagle's nice as a hybrid gunboat/transport, better than the landraider anyway, but if you're looking for assault delivery only it suffers from waiting for reserves rolls to arrive and being unable to charge out of it the turn it does, meaning a T3 assault at the earliest and T4 or later fully half the time.


It's effectiveness is very dependent on your opponents' anti-air capabilities.  Against most factions, AV12 flyers are pretty boss (though you'll probably lose it the turn you hover to drop cargo).  If you often run up against Tau, though, there's a good chance you'll lose it before you can do anything with it.


And then there's the issue of the chaos version lacking machine spirit for little noticeable discount from the original price... but that's not really anything new.


Duh, in my excitement for something new and shiny, I'd totally forgotten the 'not being able to Charge on a turn you come in from Reserve' rule and also the fact that you'd possibly need yet another turn to go into Hover if you'd Zoom'ed in.


Maybe I should look at the Spartan again, but then it can also get blown up with a lucky one-shot just like an LR.


Back to the drawing board I guess.


On a separate note, I just saw Plasma Relic Predators too, woo.... I feel like I've been missing a whole bunch of stuff.

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I've been tempted by the Storm Eagle. Next game I'll sub one and see how it runs. I have tried out the Spartan but it got grav cannoned by a squad of centurions so even 5 HPs and Armoured Ceramite didn't help. This is what interests me about the Eagle. When zooming it would be more survivabe and if it survives a turn in hover mode it can continue zooming with autocannons and lascannons blazing. I feel that the Eagle would be a great addition to my assault orientated army but I'll see if it works before I drop £93ish on it.

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I didn't mean at all to imply the eagle was a bad choice, it's a decent all rounder (as opposed to ye olde land raider, which is a lousy all rounder). It's still one of our more tolerable transport options for assault units, and against most non-tau forces will relatively reliably deliver a large assault unit safely into combat, especially if you play with enough large & tall terrain to potentially block line of sight to it on the turn it comes in to part of the opposing force. They just won't get there until turn 3 or 4, and you'll likely lose your flier in the process.


Alternatively, run it with a minimal scoring unit, like a pile of cultists, maybe a bare bones smith for repair if you really feel like it, take the lascannons, and use it to hunt other fliers, only hovering to drop off troops on an empty objective near the end of the game. Yeah, the raptor is arguably a better pure gunship, but the difference between S7 and S9 can really matter if you come up against opposing AV12 fliers like enemy drakes. Likewise, having a couple of lascannons on a chassis that's immune to most D weapons can be a big deal if you happen to find yourself in an escalation match.


Some cultists and a smith in an eagle out of fast, plus a couple raptors out of heavy, would make for a pretty impressive take on chaos flier spam, and something that would feel quite different from the usual drake-based chaos flier armies

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I have been debating which unit to put in an Eagle but hasn't thought of using it as a last turn objective grabber. Originally I only really thought about terminators, zerkers or chosen. My idea was pretty simple really, close in with several fast moving units at once and use the Eagle to hit an unexpected quarter. I regularly run dual maulerfiend and nurgle spawn that are typically supplemented with a daemon prince and bikers/raptors/rhino's. I'll usually run at least 2 blastmaster's for fire support.


Perhaps if I use the black legion supplement I could pack the Storm Eagle with scoring chosen and have the flexibility to claim objectives and/or wreck face.

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I don't have much to add except that some of us were discussing this last week. Might find some useful thoughts in that thread too.


Thanks for posting this. I agree about trying not to waste the anti infantry firepower the StEagle has. I'd probably just go for reaper autocannons.


I've been planning on using chosen from the BL supplement. This would make an awesome assault unit with a mix of power weapons, flamers, meltas and a power fist. It can also score. I had thought about using a 20 man csm squad but tbh I just think chosen are cool.

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I dunno, buying a SR and Valk costs the same as buying a Storm Eagle directly, and though I like your Storm Eagle Slayer le Boucher it feels like a lot of work for very little gain. I mean, if it wasn't for the heldrake fins, I would probably not notice it was a kitbash unless I had a closer look (and it was painted).

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The gain is that you don't have to deal with 10" long pieces of resin that are bend as hell, with parts that don't go like planned into each other.


Saw a How to thread about the Stormeagle on Dakka, Dark lords heaven, you have has much work to do on it to make it right then of you triyng to Kitbash a Warlord titan...


Plus the SR+Valk is fairly easy, and if you take the pieces that you need from the Valk from a Bits shop, it will be cheaper then a Stormeagle.


Only need, the transport compartiment, the missiles launchers and the inner parts of the wings, and the air intake that is in the middle of the Valk right above the cockpit.


Wich would amount for a total of 20 to 25$, if i'm correct.


Now i'm not saying that YOU HAVE TO DO IT, just to remind that there is more then the FW route if you want to have one.


There is even the proxy/kitbash route if you can lay your hands on a Aliens II Colonial Marines Dropship.

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I dunno, buying a SR and Valk costs the same as buying a Storm Eagle directly, and though I like your Storm Eagle Slayer le Boucher it feels like a lot of work for very little gain. I mean, if it wasn't for the heldrake fins, I would probably not notice it was a kitbash unless I had a closer look (and it was painted).


Not noticing it was a kitbash is the sign of an excellent conversion.


Get multiple rockets launchers from a bits site, either deathwind missiles, sentinel missilesx4, or valk multiple missiles, add to stormraven kit.

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Don't get me wrong, I really like the kitbash and think it's an excellent show of creativity. I just felt it was a pretty expensive kitbash, and I have never ordered anything really big from FW so I didn't think about the problem of warped resin. And as people said, by ordering the bits separately it wouldn't even be that expensive all things considered.

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Finaly found the Thread about the guy who is mounting a Stormeagle on Dakka.


You will see the amount of work needed before even thinking to glue it and even painting it.



Freaking bookmarked instantly!

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