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Chaos Storm Eagle?


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I may yet live to regret it but I've just ordered a Storm Eagle with black legion rhino doors. Also on the way is a Spartan with black legion doors.


I guess I'll have to start a build and paint log so everyone can witness my either: a) victory over the resin monster or b) being crushed underneath the weight of my realisation that I've bitten off way more than I can even fit in my mouth, let alone chew.


Let the games begin!

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I can say I'm a user of the storm eagle in my armies and I have a lot of success with it. Especially with the new Stronghold Assault book and the Skyshield upgrade. Atleast one of my flyer starts on the table which is nice. My advise is take the Daemonic Possession. It's a few points extra but worth it due to lock velocity. If you choose not to buy those then on the turn it arrives on make use hover mode and rush fast. Then once you get your guys out zoom.


With the BL codex as allies I bring 2 of them and 2 helldrakes for support.

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I guess I'll have to start a build and paint log so everyone can witness my either: a) victory over the resin monster or cool.png being crushed underneath the weight of my realisation that I've bitten off way more than I can even fit in my mouth, let alone chew.

Please do!
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I guess I'll have to start a build and paint log so everyone can witness my either: a) victory over the resin monster or cool.png being crushed underneath the weight of my realisation that I've bitten off way more than I can even fit in my mouth, let alone chew.

Please do!

Indeed !

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Would a Storm Raven with Chapterhouse extension kit come out at pretty much the same size as a Storm Eagle? If not, Storm Raven and Valkyrie it is.



probably about the same, but the tail and wings would look kind of completely different.
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