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Night Lords 42nd company

Deadman Wade

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Greetings, fellow Chaos players! After a few years, I decided to rebuild/repaint my belowed traitorous maniacs (Night Lords were amongst my first models, so most of my army looks horrible). I would appreciate any tips and advises about improving my painting technique smile.png

Night Lords 42nd Company

Sorcerer Skelos
"You think this is madness? The will of Ruinous Powers? No. We chose this. We know what we're doing. We know why we're attacking your rotten Imperium, killing innocents and burning worlds. We could stop doing it right now. However, we won't stop today. And not tommorow either."

First Claw: kill-team "Eradicators" (obliterators counts-as)
"Wind blows. Rain falls. Strong prey upon the weak"

Former company champion Kheshatt (Xarl-wannabe biggrin.png )




Hope you guys like them smile.png

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Are these the new models or your old models? Also one tiny nitpick on grammar, it should be "42nd" not "42th" for the company.

Thanks, is there a way to change topic name? I painted them in 2011, except for new raptors parts, heavy chainsword and sorcerer's head (which I made after looking at your awesome terminator lord)  :)

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  • 5 months later...

Some test models, tell me what you guys think about this colour smile.png I find that heresy-era paint scheme isn't as striking as modern. It's more serious, but metal trim somehow gets lost, I think.

I tried to add some blood and gore to my models, but completely forgot about battle damage, which I really wanted to try too.




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I prefer them with the gold trim also, but they look good none-the-less, esp the free hand.


The blood looks a little 'thick', as in modelled thick. What did you use? The colouring looks spot on though :) Tamiya Clear Red?

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I took few pieces of wool and glued them, then painted with chaos black - rhinox hide - mix of khorne red and jokaero orange, then washed it with nuln oil and used varnish to make it look shiny (I don't know other ways how to make it look liquid).

It's only second time I try doing it, so any suggestions are welcome :)

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Sounds like a lot of hard work! Try out Tamiya Clear Red, it's boss needing just one (or two if you want some darker, coagulated blood on your chain blade!) Have a look at the following link (I am on my phone sorry):-




It is to my original Blood Angels thread, on the linked page there is a death Company dude with a bloody powerful (EDIT - POWERFIST, FIST!!!) the details of how I achieved it are a bit further down the page. There is also a further link to a Blood and Gore tutorial using Tamiya Clear Red, a technique I still use now. Hope that helps!


EDIT - Spellcheck fail...

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