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Can Monstrous Creatures be Sweeping Advanced?


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In a recent game my Ironclad Dreadnought got into Close combat with a Tau Riptide. (Yeah, the guy didn't see the Dread hiding in ruins, muwaahahaha)


Anyways. Since the Riptide has no special close combat weapon, would it essential do a "Our weapons have no effect"?


Would it then get to run away, and would the Dread then get a chance to sweeping advance, killing it outright?


Or does the Smash rule allow the Riptide to half its attacks and get ap2 double strength? or is it just their base strength AP 2?



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The riptide is a monstrous creature so can smash (halving attacks for x2 strength) so is fully capable of hurting an ironclad.


A model with smash always has AP2 melee attacks regardless of halving attacks.


But if he lost and fled, yes he can be run down.

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So how is a combat like that resolved? If my ironclad scores a wound on the riptide and the riptide does nothing to the ironclad, it then loses the combat and must make a morale check? If it fails it can run, but otherwise it stays locked in combat correct?


Here is another question, if there are two ironclads and the riptide flees, do i get two initiative checks for sweeping advance or one? (Since the ironclads are separate units)


Its sounding like we did the combat correctly  though, he used smash, passed all of his morale and then died. buwahaha.

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It is resolved just like any other combat.


In your original example:

Your dreadnought is fearless (as it is a vehicle), so if you lose - nothing happens.

His Riptide isn't fearless, so if he loses he has to take a morale test just like any other non-fearless unit that loses combat.

(Determine Assault Results, page 26, BRB)

- If he passes, you both remain locked in combat.

- if he fails then he flees and sweeping advances are allowed.

(See Sweeping Advance, bottom of page 26 & top of page 27, BRB)


In your second example:

- Both your Ironclads are separate units, you therefore roll one dice for each Ironclad.  If one of your dice plus Initiative beats the Riptide's die plus Initiative then you've run him down.

(See Assault Results, bottom of page 28, BRB)

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