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Pre-built components for Space Hulk style corridors?


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Couldn't find a topic on this in the Tutorials section so thought I'd ask here:


Anyone know of any sources of pre-built components to build Space Hulk or Anphelion Base style interior corridors in 3D?


Clearly we can DIY with plasticard (and I know there are tutorials on the web to so just such) but I wasn't sure if there was source to buy pre-built (or even painted) sections that are the appropriate scale for 40K. Maybe sections with corridors just wide enough for 2 models side by side and 'hubs' that can fit 9 models (3x3)?


I'm almost thinking of modifying Wall of Matyrs stuff (ok, I admit I'm lazy to DIY from scratch).


Thanks for the info!

Using card stock is new to me but seems like e very inexpensive and actualy easy way to get things going.


Those Spaceship X Tiles look like they have lower 'walls' but look like they would be even faster to get set up.


Both excellent options - thanks guys!

I have a set of Spaceship X corridors. The walls are indeed small, really only there to show you where they are, but it makes it easier to move your models around. It's also easy to store them that way. I like the modular aspect of them, but if you want a lot of rooms it can get expensive. My plan is to use them in conjunction with scratchbuild pieces to make ship terrain, and just use soace hulk style cardboard for extra tunnels and rooms.

I have a set of Spaceship X corridors. The walls are indeed small, really only there to show you where they are, but it makes it easier to move your models around. It's also easy to store them that way. I like the modular aspect of them, but if you want a lot of rooms it can get expensive. My plan is to use them in conjunction with scratchbuild pieces to make ship terrain, and just use soace hulk style cardboard for extra tunnels and rooms.


Quick question - does the Spacehip X 9-square room allow you to connect sections to more than 1 side? In the pictures, it shows only 1.



Just to add some other options here


Fenris Games offers a set of tiles without walls

Nal's Workshop has a set of tiles with low walls which looks a lot like

Hirts Arts Sci Fi pieces. Seems to be a rather popular choice with 3D Space Hulk projects.


There were some interesting projects on kickstarter as well, might be worth keeping an eye out for.

TJH Models failed kickstarter. The Space Hulk stuff ooked pretty good. In one of the updates he said he'd be sellling his prototypes. Don't know what's the status now though.

Maki Games have a Space Ship Dungeon set of tiles in their Kickstarter.

Fantasy Arc So called Bug Hunt Corridors, basically exactly taken from the movie Aliens. The FB page's header has a picture of two SM Terminators on 25mm bases next to each other, facing off against genestealers. So the individual squares will probably be quite a bit larger than the average Space Hulk tiles (40mm). I think the corridors are 60mm across resulting in huge layouts if one were to use them for Space Hulk. But they look really good.


I think there were some interesting takes on building 3D terrain on boardgame geek as well, might be worth checking out.


For the article from Black Gobbo about the Kill Team adaption of Space Hulk a few years back they used square vinyl gutters.


I'm pretty sure there were some other options as well, just can't find anything else at the moment.




Quick question - does the Spacehip X 9-square room allow you to connect sections to more than 1 side? In the pictures, it shows only 1.





Yes. There are connectors to the center square on each side, so you could have four corridors spreading out from that room.

  • 2 weeks later...

Defintiely interested in this sorta thing.


I'd be interested in making up a full size board in a modular pattern, inculding some kind of hangar, strongpoint/bridge and maybe an engineering section. Would be great for space hulk or kill team.


In addition, with my siege vanguard I've thought about a good fluffy use of my reserve companies as a fleetbased element used for boarding actions. The siege shields will be perfect, as will a predominance of mk III armour as 'void hardened' suits.


Boarding marines and terminators galore, hell yeah!


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