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Emperor's consuls redux (a DIY wip log)


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Hey all,


What seems like ages ago I created my own chapter called the Emperor's Consuls and had a log here on the B&C.  Despite having an almost fully painted force in my wisdom I decided to strip all of my miniatures (as I have a habit of doing) and tried painting several different chapters along the way.  Long story short is I missed having a DIY chapter so I decided to start again.  I've taken the basics of my scheme (grey colored armor and my chapter iconography) and updated it with new techniques and a slightly altered scheme.


My thought is to create a more realistic looking force with some battle damage, blacked out weapons, plenty of grenades and pouches etc... so that I can have fun modeling and painting.  Here is the first test mini (apologies for the slightly dark) along with what my workbench looks like at the moment.  As always comments, criticism, suggestions, questions etc... welcome






Thanks guys I am glad you like them.  Sorry for the slow progress so far but I have been fussing around with decals.  I need to print some more transfers but can't source the paper I use from anywhere locally so I am waiting for more to come in to really dig in to painting.  In the meantime I've been getting basecoats on 4 more marines and finished one more marine. 


I'm torn between leaving the tactical symbols as they are, with unit numbers inside of them, because I think it looks cool but I also want to make a few extra marines carrying special and heavy weapons so I can change squad loadouts and this might confound things.  I've thought about giving marines with special and heavy weapons within the squads a different marking with no unit desgination but I'm not sure.



Thanks so much guys.  Ironically the orange isn't painted using any orange.  The basecoat is tausept ochre and then it's washed with rusts and browns which produces a dark orangey ochre color.  I can post the full recipe tonight when I get back home.

This is probably one of the best color schemes I have ever seen. The weathering is amazing. It is something I have not gotten up the guts to try myself. I would love to know how you went about doing it.


On a second note, I have an idea for how you can resolve you issue of incorporating alternative models into your squads. This is something I am planning on doing with my army. Since I am not planning on painting an ENTIRE company, I have several squads which will remain unused. For example I am planning on painting Tactical Squads II, III, and IV. For any game type, this should be plenty of models. That leaves I, V, and VI. I am planning on using V as my "mutt" squad. It may have as many as 15 models in it. However, it will have things like flamers, rocket launchers, and other heavy weapons. Maybe alternate Sergeants with power weapons etc... Squad V will not be part of my display army, but if I ever need to switch out my Plasma Pistol/Chainsword Sergeant, for a Powerfirst/Bolt Pistol Sergeant, I can do that, while still knowing which models are not part of my "normal" army.

Anybody else have trouble copying and pasting when using IE?  I always have to use firefox.


Anywho thanks so much for the kind words guys it really helps keep me motivated.


Here is the recipe for the orangey shoulder pad inserts


-Basecoat tausept ochre (Vallejo game color ochre brown is the same color, I have both)


-Apply Vallejo model rust all over then dab away excess with paper towel to kind of
tint the surface.  This one is kind of hard to explain, you don't really have to dab it away I think but I have already applied my decals before this step and don't want them to get too dark.


-Apply Vallejo model rust to start defining the shadows.  By this I mean concentrate towards the crevaces and the parts of the pads that would recieve less light

-Line 1:1 Vallejo model wash dark brown:water


-Line in deepest recesses Vallejo model wash dark brown


-Wash again with Vallejo model wash rust all over

In case anyone isn't familiar the vallejo model wash line looks like this.




BKZer0 that isn't a bad idea and something I have kind of thought of.  So for example you will have your 3rd tactical squad but maybe the marine holding the flamer is from the 5th squad?  I could probably put up a tutorial or description of how I do the weathering later but I have to get down into my basement to finish a carpentry project right now!


Well, this, is, er, gorgeous. I'm amazed at the smoothness of that grey. My kingdom for an airbrush and space to use it. I really like the scheme and tone, reminds me of my Sons of Tyr. Your painting is outstanding. Good luck with this Chapter, I'll be following keenly.

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the long break I didn't have much  hobby time and was awaiting decal supplies.  Anyways I plan to get in some more painting this week but I thought I would throw up a picture of the infancy stages of my next wip...the dreadnought.  I know everything looks bright and strange but that is where all of the shading and weathering comes in since so far it is straight from the airbrush without any brushwork.  I decided to add in some extra stripes  but not totally sold.  I think they will look cool once the model is all shaded and weathered though, or at least I hope! I know one is a little wonky.


So for example you will have your 3rd tactical squad but maybe the marine holding the flamer is from the 5th squad?


Yes, Basically. I have my "display army", and in that my 3rd tactical squad of 10 models would be 7 bolters, 1 flamer, 1 missile launcher, and 1 sergeant. All 10 models have 3rd squad markings for display purposes. If I were to play a game, and I wanted a multi-melta for example, I would just substitute my missile launcher 3rd model for a multi-melta model from a different squad of basically reserve models.


On a side note, how do you like the Vallejo washes, and how do they compare to the Citadel washes if you have used them? I have loved the Citadel washes since they were introduced, and I use them a lot, probably too much. I am still nursing along a bottle of Devlan Mud, and Badab Black that I picked up before they changed over their paint line. I am very reluctant to ever try anything new. However I love all of Vallejo's other products so I would be willing to give them a shot if they are worth it.


I can't wait to see that dread finished in your color scheme.

Thanks guys, progress is coming along very slowly on the dread.  I think I spent two short sessions just basecoating all of the mechanical bits on there!  I'll post some further WIP pics once I get a little more done than finishing all of the base coats. 


BKZer0 I'm still undecided what I will do about the numbers.  One idea I had was to only have the sergeants have the numbers on their shoulderpads and the other marines just a blank tactical symbol.  In regards to the Vallejo washes I really like them a lot.  Note, the ones I am talking about are the Vallejo model washes that I pictured and not their washes which are intended to compete against the GW ones.  The ones designed to be comparable to the GW ones come from the game color line and are in their normal 17ml dropper bottles.  The Vallejo model wash line I pictured here has a very different consistency, it is almost like a thinned paint that you can use as a filter to tint surfaces.  I could post some comparison photos, I have the old washes like devlan mud, the new ones, and some army painter ones.  I personally now use the army painter soft tone, strong tone, and dark tone quite a bit as a bit as substitutes for the old gryphonne sepia, devlan mud, and badaab black.

  • 2 weeks later...

Progress is being made on the dread albeit slow!  I had my first game of 40k in years this weekend using the dark vengeance set and it was pretty fun.  I'm hoping next game I can make up a list and see how the Consuls fair in battle.  I'll try to post a comparison of the different washes once I can prime something in a suitable light color.








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