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Help with honour guard modeling


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I am building a HG unit so I am looking to buy some more models. Problem is I can't decide on a group of models to convert. any suggestions on what base models to start with? I have been looking at the new stern for the tabard look, San guard for the pose and killer weapons and greyknights for lots of swords and cool poses. Oh and not getting calgars set because I not like all the "U"s

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If you don't mind the conversion, it isn't difficult to cut/sand/putty over the "U"s, I did it with the metal models. But another squad of models that look awesome and have tabards are the Black Templar Sword Brethren. It wouldn't be difficult to tie in or slightly mod their Maltese Crosses to fit your army, whose Chapter Badge I am assuming is the cross pictured in your forum avatar photo.

We seem to have had quite a few Honour Guard posts recently. Here's one, and here's another.


I'm not linking those just because I've posted in both, I actually think they're both good threads (though I'm not sure why there are two).

The old school Space Marine Veterans (Mk.1 and Mk.2) kits are an excellent shout for the tabard/loincloth look, if you don't mind working with Finecast and can wait for GW to mail them to you. There's a variety of poses in the two kits that look badass, and they definitely look like veterans, which is always important.


Best bet is to mix up kits. For example, Grey Knight or Sanguiniary Guard torsos on Sternguard legs with Sanguiniary Guard Angelus Bolters and Grey Knight Nemesis weapons. Ultimately more expensive, but the amount of bitz you get in exchange is awesome.


Just my two penneth.


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