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Demo's 2014 ToS thread


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At the moment, having two Blood Fists offers little value. If you want to change from Blood Talons, opt for a Frag Cannon and Blood Fist.


Whilst the Tactical Squad does appear to be out of place, that Rhino can still be used to shield the Vindicator. Alternatives would be a Razorback mounted assault squad.

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Hey guys I played my buddy last friday and heres the report.

My list still unchanged from last time and he ran:

Lord of Nurgle with powersword, 5+invul (warlord) deployed with plaguemarines in rhino

Lord of khorne with poweraxe and AP3 flamer, 5 invul. deployed with khorne beserkers in rhino

9 plaguemarines with powersword and 2 plasma riding a rhino

9 khorne beserkers with rhino dont think he had a sarge

6 bikers, 2 plasma no upgrades on champ (or champ at all, not sure...)

10 cultists

2 obliderators with mark of nurgle

Predator with TLLC turret and heavy bolter sponsons

Vindicator with siegeshield

2 Nurgle spawn

I had setup the terrain with lots of rocky outcrops, some bocking LOS completly while other just gave cover. One side of the board had 3 ruins and a ruined rhino instead. Some parts had craters instead of rocks. When my opponent arrived I won the roll to go first. I took the side that was most convenient (we were stressed for time) and started deploying. We rolled 5 objectives from scenario 3 and I placed 2 in the ruins near me and placed 1 on the ruined rhino. My opponent placed his in ruins in opposite sides of his deployment zone.

I deployed my scouts on a ruin to the left. The tacticals on the trenches to the right (with the objective) and spread my army out to cover all of them. DC were behind the tacticals and their rhino. Assault marines behind the scouts, vehicles in the middle with AB behind.

My opponent sort of mirrored my deployment, he had a rhino with cargo on each side. His vehicles in the centre behind some rocky outcrops, his cultists were on the objective on the right. His oblits behind the building on the left. He couldnt sieze initiative and we had night fighting. Only my Furioso had red thirst. (love how he ALWAYS gets it, instead of someone who actually benefits from it pinch.gif

My first turn my pod came in between his 2 lines (gamble that paid off) and my Furioso was within melta range (woot!) not much could shoot so my assault marines and DC moved up and ran and the vehicles likewise moved forward. Vindi popped smoke to prevent first turn death (and coupled with night fighting it would get a healthy cover save! woot.gif ) I rolled for my Furiosos melta and it missed (d'oh) my snipers shot and dident do anything, everything else was out of range/couldnt see anything

Chaos turn 1, the vindi moved forward and blew up my rhino (luckily all of the nearby DC were ok...) so I lost first blood. He shot his predator and his 2 oblits at my Furioso and immobilized it.... So there went the idea of charging him at that predator cry.gif his rhinos moved up and his bikers drove to the flank of the beserker rhino to cover it.

My turn 2, I move my assault marines up next to the bikers, Vindi, DC and MM AB towards the Vindi. MM AB missed, vindi blows it up and the DC suddenly dont got anything to charge and are caught in the middle of nowhere turned.gif assault marines charge the bikers and wipe them out. I just noticed my DC were 12 inches away from his 2 spawns and considering I have nothing to lose I chance a charge. Roll double 6 and wipe them out in combat before they hit back! Furioso shoots at the front of the Predator and misses AGAIN (starting to see a pattern here....)

Chaos turn 2, beserkers disembark and flame my marines. I lose about 4 total from all the shooting, pass LD. His plaguemarine rhino moves past the DC and makes a break for my tactical marine objective. He shoots at my furioso again with the oblits and predator and does nothing (luckily for me)

My turn 3, I move my assault marines up and charge the beserkers. He challenges with his lord and I accept with the PF sarg. Manage 1 wound but he passes his 5+invul save and he kills the sarge. I Kill all of his beserkers but he also masacres my assault marines. Just his lord vs my priest and 2 marines left. I move my vindi back abit (to prevent it from beeing potentially beeing hit by its own blast), my DC move behind the rhino using their feet. My tacticals and vindi unload on the rhino and blow it up. DC charge the contests and start whacking at the insides. His lord challenged and I accept with Reclusiarch (or have him not fighting and have the lord whacking at the DC........) dont get wounded and score a wound on the lord! woot! In combat I kill about 4 plaguemarines for 2 DC marine losses. My MM AB had moved to the predators side but missed his shot.

Chaos turn 3, he challenges again, kills the priest who wounds him once or twice but dident kill him. Combat with the plaguemarines continues. My chapy again wounds his lord once but also gets wounded twice! Oh-ow... I reduce his plaguemarine unit further and again lose a few DC. His oblits and predator fire at the Furioso again who losses its arm (we forget it was random which arm we lost so my opponent "decided" the melta arm had to go.... And considering I forget it was random in this edition that was that.... My opponent moved his cultists to the flank of the tank to give it cover from the MM AB. He also tried to charge it and got a whopping 3 inches..... alot of inches short of the charge.... He blows up my drop pod with his oblits.

BA turn 4, Vindi shoots at the beserkers rhino and it scatters off target, doesent hit anything. His chaos lord kills the last 2 remaining assault marines. My chapy whiffs with all his attacks and gets killed by the enemy lord, DC hang on in combat and whittle away the plaguemarines. Considering the Furioso was meltaless it fired at the oblits, dident do anything. Tacticals are out of range and scouts fail to do anything of note. I moved my MM AB closer and in such a posistion that I should see tha majority of the tank (could see at least 1/3 of the tank and can clearly see past the cultists) but my opponent claimed he got a cover save, rolled it and passed it.... Just when I got a very nasty penetrating hit.... *sigh*

Chaos turn 4, Khorne lord moves to the nearby ruin to hide. Cultists move towards the MM AB and charge him. He kills one and they take off 1 wound. Oblits move to the side of the Furioso and wreck it. In combat my DC is reduced to 3 DC (the powersword, thunderhammer and a normal DC) but I had killed off the last remaining plaguemarines, just his lord remains devil.gif MM AB dies in combat with the cultists.

BA turn 5, Vindi moves up and blows up the 2 oblits. Tacticals still cant do anything. Scout drag another wound off the khorne lord and here some shenanigans came into play (or honest mistake, not sure) we always put down a die with the remaining wounds, which was a 1. I did a wound he dident save and my opponent takes away the dice, and puts down another dice that also says 1 wound. He claimed he had placed the dice down with the wrong number. Eh.... Mistakes happen but It kinda made me raise my eye brow........ In combat with the DC he wounds my DC 3 times, and I pass 2 FnP rolls! And I slay his warlord! wooooo!

Chaos turn 5, my opponent moved his vindi up towards the rhino objective (because it was a heavy support choice) and popped smoke, he moved his rhino to block my vindi's shots to it.

We roll for turn 6 and get it. My turn 6 (and this is where I screw up...) I move my vindi to the side to bypass the rhino and confident (or rather hoping) that if my vindi cant blow up the predator my scouts will. I shoot, hit and get a glancing hit that he dident save.... Great, its still there. Scout ML hits but rolls a 2 on the penetration roll wallbash.gif

We roll for 7th turn and dont get it. Both sides have 2 objectives and slay the warlord. Opponent has first blood.


Yea what a crappy ending to an amazing game there we go..... I should have played it safe and moved the vindi up towards the objective to deny it. I dident and was confident in the luck of the dice...And it bit me in the ass.

Live and learn, still an awesome game!

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Welp, TOS is over for me before it started :(

Was on the way to the pick up point this morning and on the way there I fainted in the subway.


Medics came in and gave me a check up and took me to the hospital for further tests. It was nothing serious in hindsight.


Ive got astma and I ran all the way to catch my subway. It was rather hot in there and this together with the stress was to much for me :(


Bah.....better luck next year I guess

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Yea it is :( I probably could have gone with them instead of the hospital. I experienced some sensation in my stomache but that was probably hunger. I dident want to risk my health though and went to the hospital just to be sure.... There will be other times for 40K tourneys...

Lluckily the TOS team was very understanding. I send them a mail explaining my condition and they refunded my ticket! Considering it was a day before the actual event I think thats a very awesome thing of them to do! Now I just gotta wait until I can go again and next make sure I dont fall apart in some way ermm.gif

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