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Modelling the Hand of Darkness

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What that tiny wheny ridiculous thing on his hammer?...


Not really impressif for a Chaos Artefact...

 I think that Ogre is about the size of a Dreadnought. So it might just be a decent size, who knows.


I would like to try and make the flame breath thing work... Maybe for a Baledrake... Hmmmm


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Well... I just ordered Kroq-gar's hand.  Haha.


That reminds me... How are people running the hand of darkness?  Tzeentch Lord on disk for flying bad touch, or?



"flying bad touch"... I spit coffee on the floor so I wouldn't douse my computer.  Well played sir, and a good idea by the way.

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What that tiny wheny ridiculous thing on his hammer?...


Not really impressif for a Chaos Artefact...

 I think that Ogre is about the size of a Dreadnought. So it might just be a decent size, who knows.


I would like to try and make the flame breath thing work... Maybe for a Baledrake... Hmmmm


End of Line


This model sits on a 40mm square base, wich will make it rhoughly the size of a Oblit or larger then a Termi, not Dread size.


So chances are that, this measly claw thing, will be the size of a Gaunts arm.


You can still try it, but for someone who doesn't know what its supposed to represent, it will just look like a CSM weird mutation, and not in any way a powerfull Chaos artefact, thats my opinion though, a Chaos Artefact should look the part.

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I've always regarded the artifacts as simple templates for whatever our Chaos tainted, Warp-saturated imaginations can conjure: it doesn't necessarily have to be a "hand" as such; rather a bauble or item that is overt and suitably theatrical. Some sort of orb, elaborate box, wand or staff would likely suit well, though you could go down the mutation route of having it be a ridiculously over-sized or shriveled or bizarre claw; something whose digits are like spider legs with an eye or mouth situated in the palm; a nest of snaking tendrils with blade like extrusions at their heads. Just let your imagination go nuts.

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If he's holding it in his hand I figured it'd be about the right size?


Minionboy I wanna see what you manage with your conversion please!


Well I'm running him as a termi lord with a bodyguard, probably in a spartan or storm eagle in the end


I'll be sure to post it, once I've sorted out what all I'm going to do for it... I'm pretty sure it'll be a Lord of Tzeentch on Disc, just gotta figure out what i'll be using for the majority of the body.

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So with WK and Riptides beating up the current meta, I'm really tempted to run a Tzeentch Lord with the skull, disk, 3++, and the finger of doom. When you charge use your chain sword, in the second round use the hand, that will keep you from being left out in the open if you kill your prey. He's pretty damned expensive at 230 points, but Uncle Touchy is basically guaranteed to make any monster cry. The only other question is, do you bother upgrading his other weapon? He will have A5 when he's not using the pimp hand...
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Well, I got my hand of darkness in... it's a tad large though.  Should work fine on a terminator, not so much on a power armored guy:


I'm not giving up though, just gotta find the right body.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been putting in a bit more thought to this idea and made a quick mockup of what I think this tzeentch lord will look like...




I'm not 100% sure on the staff as it makes him look a bit much like a sorcerer, but I'm not sure how else to model his power mace... Leaving it as the stock mace would just be so boring, as would even changing the head of the weapon. I like Lorgar's face, it looks old and bitter, so I figure throwing a hood over it might be enough to change the appearance a bit, might have to get rid of that high collar too, though that's less easy to photochop. I really am liking the second option though, the horns are very "lordy" and less "sorcerery" but also serve to break up the outline of the model, making it quite a bit different in appearance than Lorgar, though then I'd really want to change the mace head or something, because that is just soooooo damn iconic... suggestions?

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How about the top of the staff from this kit?




The hand looks like a great find. Not too sold on the heads. Horned one is a little too Khorne.

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How about the top of the staff from this kit?


The hand looks like a great find. Not too sold on the heads. Horned one is a little too Khorne.


Yeah, that's not a bad one, though might be kinda small, i'll have to wait and see Lorgar in person.


I agree about the head, I'll be doing the hooded one for sure... I'm probably going to turn his cape more into an opened robe that'll be worn and tattered... I'm thinking this guy will be a vagabond, wanders the warp in search for secrets and power.

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How about the top of the staff from this kit?


The hand looks like a great find. Not too sold on the heads. Horned one is a little too Khorne.

Yeah, that's not a bad one, though might be kinda small, i'll have to wait and see Lorgar in person.


I agree about the head, I'll be doing the hooded one for sure... I'm probably going to turn his cape more into an opened robe that'll be worn and tattered... I'm thinking this guy will be a vagabond, wanders the warp in search for secrets and power.

Like that idea. Very fitting.

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