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Better 'Bolter Belts'


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Hey guys, I'm wondering if any of you know a way to get my hands on some good looking Bolter belt feeds. Something more akin to the feed on the combi-melta that is strapped to the Chaos Aspiring Champion's backpack, though anything that is better than what comes with the regular CSM bolters will do.

If my description sucks, here's a sprue with the feed I'm referring to.


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You can find many bolters that don't use magazines and have a small belt of bolt shells just sort of dangling out of the mag well. The terminator librarian storm pistol has them. Many of the CSM in the normal CSM box have them.


I'm sure someone can pull up the name of a third party site that makes bolt/ammo belts that you can buy a huge link and just snip and glue yourself. Maybe Kromlech or the company that makes those muzzle flash effects (Armorcast, I think?). Any company that sells things like 28mm spent brass basing, ammo caches, etc will likely have chains of ammo belts you can use.

If you happen to have friend who collects orks chances are he'll have stuff left over. The new and the old boys kit have separate strips of ammo you could use. They look a little different than the CSM bolter ammo, though.


And as for third party stuff:

Anvil Industry ammo belts should be bolter sized. Zinge Industries sell a variety of different sizes. As do Dragonforge.


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