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Pre-Heresy Gear in Traitor Legions


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As I have previously mentioned here, I am currently building a chaos army consisting of a few warbands from different traitor legions. I have also come into quite a few Pre-Heresy armour bitz from Forgeworld, for no other reason than I think they are awesome.

I would love to use these bitz heavily throughout my traitor legions, just for the aforementioned awesomeness. However, my army /is/ set in 40k times and I want it to try and be somewhat fluffy.

Given that many Chaos Space Marines are the same traitor legionnaires from 10,000 years ago, I was thinking that it probably isn't too rare to see pre-heresy marks of armour amongst their ranks; albeit somewhat warped and mutated.


But with my Night Lords, who I want to have the traditional Night Lords view of "Ugh chaos sux lol", I was thinking of using some untainted/normal PH gear scattered throughout.

Help me fluff sages!

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Do it. No one can say you're wrong to do so. Even the special weapons can be justified.


There is still the influence of the warp though so maybe the odd chaos part here an there. Or, you could put some 40k Imperial Marine parts in the mix. As if they purposely raid and plunder to replace warped equipment.

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Well, I did actually want to give my Word Bearers the Forge World Breacher siege squads. Was going to add a few chaos bitz, and replace the shields with the Chaos Warrior ones from WHFB. Don't know what I'll run them as, but it's pure rule of cool here ;D


I was hoping to have a few of the traitor legions in my army, and I wouldn't make them entirely out of PH bits. Would just be a scattering, to show their age as well as corruption.

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I do remember there being rules for them for 40k but I can't remember where. Maybe chuck them an email. Sounds like a good idea though. Do a thread in the work in progress area too.
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From the FW site under the Boarding Assault Upgrade Set:


This upgrade set is perfect for representing several of the Boarding Assault Stratagems or a Tactical squad equipped with siege mantlets as described in Forge World’s Badab War Imperial Armour books.

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Nothing wrong with sticking some pre-heresy gear in the mix for a warband. fits perfectly with the cms relying on  ancient or scavaged gear. my red corsairs are a hodgepodge of parts pre-heresy, post heresy and loyalist parts to tie in with them scavenging gear from the dead and the turncoat loyalists who join them. 

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Awesome feedback guys, thanks heaps. I'm hoping to start building my actual Astartes by the end of the week, just finishing off my cultists at the moment.


That's one thing I love about chaos, is the freedom you have when you're modelling your army. "The warp did it" can justify almost anything ;)


But in all seriousness. Nothing more badass than traitor legionnaires who have been fighting the long war for 10,000 years. The Horus Heresy is basically still happening for those guys. And given the fact that I vastly prefer 30k nowadays, not a bad thing!

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Heresy gear is best gear.



Of course you'd say that Heinrich :p I've been lurking on this site for way too long now, and your Night Lords plog has been bookmarked on my chrome account for quite a while. Haha.


But I totally agree. PH gear is Games Workshop's excuse to introduce new armour and wargear without advancing the plot, and i'm not complaining one bit! Besides, it makes more sense for Chaos Marines to have mutated PH gear than the commonly seen mutated Mk 7 armour.

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