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My experience with CSM at the Las Vegas Open


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Wow, those Grav-cents had to get really lucky to take out 2 maulerfiends at once.


I notice you actually had 2 drakes. While the hadesdrake gave you air superiority, surely the bale drake gave you land superiority, which is more important?


If you had to drop one from the list, which would it be?

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Wow, those Grav-cents had to get really lucky to take out 2 maulerfiends at once.


I notice you actually had 2 drakes. While the hadesdrake gave you air superiority, surely the bale drake gave you land superiority, which is more important?


If you had to drop one from the list, which would it be?


Well, that's what I'm currently struggling with.  I actually was doing fine killing infantry with the rest of my army, so I may actually drop the Baleflamer, as weird as that sounds... It just feels totally wrong.  The vector strike was nice for flyers, but really nothing did it like those S8 Hades autocannon shots, and doing both at once to a flyer or wave serpent just wrecked them.


And yeah, that was a hail Mary for the grav cents, but it paid off, much to my dismay.

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Looking at your list, did you have any problems against high AV? What did you use? Was the MS-Melta and Hades-AC enough (I'm assuming you lost your Maulers before they could CC)?



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4+ grav cents with amps ?


Nope, just 3 lucky grav cents... the sergeant hit with 5 of 5 hits, got one 6, then another on the re-rolls, I failed both invul saves, so it was toast from being double immobilized, while the other two killed my other mauler.


Looking at your list, did you have any problems against high AV? What did you use? Was the MS-Melta and Hades-AC enough (I'm assuming you lost your Maulers before they could CC)?




Actually, I was looking around the tournament, there was VERY little heavy armour... Only a handful of Land Raiders and Battle Wagons, I didn't notice any monoliths or much else AV14.  My intention was to use the maulers to shred any land raiders I came across, but the only game where I faced heavy armor, my Maulers got pasted instantly and my meltaguns were a bit far away to contribute.  Typically, I don't mind facing heavy armour because most often it's being used to bring the enemy closer to me!

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You mention your going to likely swap you nurgle bike lord for a juggerlord....


What then will you change in the rest of your list? Are you going to try running khorne spawn or swap them out for some khorne bikers?


I ask as due to this wonderful book of ours you can't run him with the nurgle spawn.

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You mention your going to likely swap you nurgle bike lord for a juggerlord....


What then will you change in the rest of your list? Are you going to try running khorne spawn or swap them out for some khorne bikers?


I ask as due to this wonderful book of ours you can't run him with the nurgle spawn.


I've been thinking about that a lot really.


If I do the jugger lord, i'll have to un-mark the spawn, which sucks, but I don't think will be so bad.  Alternatively, I've considered dropping one of the two drakes so that I can get a second squad of Spawn entirely for the jugger lord.


The other option is to "upgrade" my army to Black Legion so that I can get my Nova Sorcerer.


I still prefer Spawn to bikes, though I do have 10 bikes I might try out.

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First off, glad you had fun homie and glad you represented the Traitors in style!


A single Grav Cent taking out a Mauler is not really all that lucky to be honest, all he needs is a single 6 and you are immobilized making the Mauler useless (basically destroying it). Those things deal with the Maulers super well unfortunately, I have had it happen a few games though I would rather them be shot than most other things in my army :P


I ran a JuggerLord in a fall event we had around here that I actually ended up winning. Though the JuggerLord was just sorta along for the ride, the problem is that the moment you realize you cannot take on MCs he becomes a shell of how deadly he actually is. Any Prince will one round him, Riptides usually take him out 1v1 in CC, Wraithknights wreck him hard, Greater Daemons, Nid MCS (and they have tons). I would highly advise you not to take that idea too seriously, smash is just too much for him to handle. I now run the Nurgle Lord religiously (as much as I dislike being locked into one thing) in any competitive environment.


Glad the oddball Heldrake worked out, but kinda still feel like sweeping the ground may have worked out better for ya in those games you barely lost. I have found that against matchups where you think they may be able to blast you off of the table you can just wait a turn for your Drakes to come in and have them sorta lead the charge and soften their battle lines up a bit.


Spawn are awesome. If you can add more do it. Especially since you do not ally with Daemons. I personally prefer the Bikes as they are a bit tougher though you do not get nearly as many wounds :P I also like having a Champion in there to soak a :cussty challenge if needed. 


I have tried out the Nova Sorcerer and I have to admit he is pretty darned good.

Wish we were allowed more Forgeworld stuff out here, the east coast tourney scene is very much against that stuff currently though it is starting to shift a little bit as of late. There was a survey sent out from the NOVA Open folks and it came back with about a 40/60 split on people not minding Forgeworld all that much.

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