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LVO experience with BA


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I'm completely exhausted after 10 days of holiday in the states having travelled from New Zealand but I thought I'd start a little thread on how BA fared in the Las Vegas Open. I took some pictures but not enough to do pretty battle reports on all, but the first one vs a riptide spam I did take some pics and it might give heart to the players out there:)


I went 3 1 1 and came 34th out of around 230 players.


I did a battle report at frontline gaming and a podcast and so was a minor celeb, which was funny, and I got to meet heaps of internet celebs including playing against Justin Cook, the Nova open winner.


When I'm more recovered I'll try and throw up some battle reports and answer any questions, off for an 11 hour flight.. weee


Pascal Roggen 

Reece, Goatboy, My wife and I

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Here's my list, I just arrived home after 15 hours of travel, so bed time for me.  the pictures at the end of the report were of my army plus a few other choice models I had with me.


3 assault squads in drop pods. One with 2 infernus pistols and a melta, one with two hand flamer and a flamer, one plain

3 Lucius Drop pods

2 fragnoughts with melta and magna

1 Libby dread with shield and fear

2 Ravens with lascanons and hurricane bolters

1 aegis with a comms relay




the aegis goes across the middle with a few enclosed areas for me phi to jump into next too the comms[or if a Los blocking terrain, somewhere near there

the lucius pods drop and give everything behind them[including from the laid out doors] shrouding or a turn, the dreadnoughts usually stay embarked in the lucius pods and fire out + fear the darkness, in the opponents turn the libby casts shield and the drop pods then grant 3+ cover. usually 2 or 3 dreads are still alive at that point and turn two mephi jumps up, two ravens arrive the dreads get out of the pods, shoot and assault and I try to make use of any of the assault squads that may come down[i try and stop them usually though.


If it's against a heavy interceptor army, I leave a lucius for turn 2 so that, the ravens can get the shrouding and usually cover from either a building or the actual pod being in front of the interceptor weaponry granting a nice cover save without having to jink. 

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Looks like a nice list... but I didnt think Blood Angels where allowed to use lucious drop pods!


If they can now.... hell I'll be ordering 10 of them tomorrow!


The Lucius pod rules changed substantially. (ie: no assault from DS).  When that happened we got access to them.

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Ah I see.  Is that the same for troops inside a rhino for example?  I don't use transports besides pods.

I guess it's in the BRB that the explosion hits the rear armour if embarked, haven't looked, but thanks for the clarification.

Great job on the placement in the tourney though Pascal.  Great to see the BA representing.

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Ok so first bat rep!:)

Vs Israel[best looking army] Sanchez and his tau.


sorry for the lack of pics, couldn't get them on for some reason.

it was dawn of war setup, but there was something not quite correct with the order of the missions in the pamphlet we got so we played as scouring secondary and emperors will main[it was meant to be big guns secondary]


He pretty much castled up on his side and as always I placed mephi around 12inches form the comms relay near the centre of the board . I stole initiative and dropped 2 lucius with a frag and a libby in them plus a unit of flamers. he shot all his interceptor and did very little, not being able to use marker lights or commander silliness or charge his reactors on his three riptides. 

I managed to fear his commander riptide and ethereal off the board.... first blood warlord and +1 victory point.


that was pretty much game. however the game only went to turn 3. Mephi killed another riptide in combat the other fragnought made a mess of the misslesides while granting 3+ cover to my raven that came in with the lucius that dropped down.

My raven only killed one of the two tetras and they went and won him the secondary mission and at the end of turn 3 time was up. Turn 4 or playing the correct mission would have netted me full points, as it was I still got the win 7-3.


Israel was lovely and would go on to win his next 4 games

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Vs Justin Cook's Ovesa star.


he had ovesa the buffmander, ove'sa, some missile drones, a riptide and farsight in his star

only one had sky fire, but everyone had interceptor

2 other riptides

3 suits with no guns in one unit and 3 separate suits with a flamer

2 skyrays

1 unit of kroot

hammer and anvil

crusade and kill points I think


well, I got to play vs the Nova open champion and his list.:)

he even managed to seize on me, I took a photo of it:).


He tried to Kill mephiston turn one, but rolled poorly and didn't do a wound

I dropped down with a frag and libby making use of terrain and the melta unit trying to kill a tide right off the bat.

he intercepted and killed 3 marines total, still leaving the three melta shots.

I then rolled extremely poorly and did maybe 1 wound total with frag, magna and 4 melta shots[he'd failed his reactor check], then he made his fear the darkness moral check:( 

his turn a skyway came in and he popped 2 lucius pods and the last of the melta squad. he then charged a lone riptide into a fragnought. the Rip whiffed and the dread did a wound, but he made his leadership check.

My turn I dropped the other fragnought and it granted shrouding to the two ravens, so they didn't take much interceptor

I put three wounds onto ovesa and threw some lascanon shots into the skyray which didn't do anything:(. I then charged  my libby deed into the riptide vs fragnought combat thinking to end it quickly and maybe consolidate into the LOS blocking chunk of terrain.

I did 0 wounds to the tide and he penned the libby shaking it. I thought" yay stuck in combat"


Turn 3.  his suits and other skyray come on plus his kroot he takes both ravens down to a single hull point left and vector locks one, he pops the lucius pod and shoots my vanilla assault squad hiding behind some terrain with a jump suit flamer. He assaults the fragnought rolling very poorly and just mangoes to get ovesa into combat, the dread swings, hit's and wounds twice, O'vesa fails to 5+ invuls and then makes one of his feel no pains. if he had failed both, he'd be dead and the rest of the deathstar couldn't have attacked the dread leaving them to make a moral check on 8, but as it stands O'vesa survived and the 10 strength ten attacks took a hull point off and immobilised the dread.


the libby dread and frag vs the riptide went very badly with the libby whiffing again and being shaken and the riptide winning combat again... oh dear.


in my turn three it went all to custard, I charged the death star with mephi challenged O'vesa got the rerolls from the gaze and with 6 atacks at strength ten with rerolls to hit and to wound only did 3 wounds to o'vesa and he promptly passed his armour saves. the very last attack to the dread blew it up and it had done a wound to the unit. then he hit and ran away leaving Mephi stuck in the open.

the libby dread once more, failed to hit and the riptide killed it.  my vanilla assault squad assaulted to suits and lost combat.


well, it was pretty much game over at that point.  mephi got killed exactly by the last chance to make a rend against him, the fragnought in riptide combat got smushed [2 attacks, 5's to hit :(] the assault squad got beaten in combat again and the ravens didn't quite kill enough scoring  and got shot out of the sky. 


It was always going to be a tough battle and until the wheels came off with some really bad rolls I was in it, Justin was actually quite worried at the start of turn three


Lost 10 to 0 but had a great time and Justin was a jovial competitor. It was also nice to see that my BA had a chance against a severely nasty list being used by an exceptional general. 


7 riptides in my first two games, hopefully no more of them... as long as the next match isn't vs ..say necron flying circus, should be good:)

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