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Chimeric chapters?

Blade Brother Storm

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if minotaurs are chimeric geneseed, what exactly is the spliced combo?


ive never read anywhere that they were confirmed to be world eaters, but that DEFINITELY makes sense when you think about it. Mmaybe they doubled up on the traitor seed and made them half Word Bearer as well, they seem pretty insanely loyal to the High Lords. Little hypnoconditiong and bam, 41st century crazed U.N. soldiers

From what I've read in both the wiki and lexicon, they've both said that the Minotaurs are Chimeric. As for what the dual gene-seed is I haven't seen any speculation as to what they are. Though if there are Loyalist "World Eaters" then I just blew a gasket.


Reason I'm asking is that I haven't deceided who I want my chapter to come from because I'm on the fence for either Black Templars and Dark Angels. I was kicking around the idea of trying to find a justifiable way how this would work and thought a cool story would be for a group of Templars to come across a Fallen while helping the Dark Angels, using the story of Asmodai as kind of a reference, but as I sat here at work mulling it over, as much as I want it to work I can see it more easily that Black Templars would just end up dead just to keep the secret of the Fallen. =/

Don't confuse nature with nurture; the Chapter with BT&DA gene-seed wouldn't end up as mishmash of Black Templars and Dark Angels. Most of what constitutes these Chapters is derived from their traditions, beliefs and values etc. In other words, you will need training cadre from both Chapters, which is something very unlikely.


Also, Black Templars wouldn't be killed because of the Fallen. They will just disappear en route to another battle. Malfunction of gellar field or something, happens a lot.




~ NightrawenII

Don't confuse nature with nurture; the Chapter with BT&DA gene-seed wouldn't end up as mishmash of Black Templars and Dark Angels. Most of what constitutes these Chapters is derived from their traditions, beliefs and values etc. In other words, you will need training cadre from both Chapters, which is something very unlikely.


Also, Black Templars wouldn't be killed because of the Fallen. They will just disappear en route to another battle. Malfunction of gellar field or something, happens a lot.




~ NightrawenII


Thanks for the laugh on that last bit, rough day so was fun to see that last sentence. :)


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