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Tzeentch followers?


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So under the chaos space marine codex what would be viable models for tzeentch fluff I can see sorcerers and thousand sons but what about the other units in the book please provide a reason behind there worship of tzeentch and i dont meen i have to give each and every model a mark of tzeentch.

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Pretty much anything can be aligned with Tzeentch - which god you follow is as much about attitude and personality as it is about choice.


A Marine who likes secrets and political games will follow Tzeentch over the other three, for example. A Havoc who uses rituals to give his shots a little extra oomph would be a good Tzeentchian. A Maulerfiend powered by a Screamer (rather than a Bloodletter, for example) would also be a good example of a Tzeentchian unit that doesn't necessarily have to have the Mark.

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Obliterators cna be sorcerers, techmarines who constructed their armour under visions from Tzeentch ect, all sorts.


My Oblits are based on my Apoc doomsday device, just smaller. They are just sorcerers sitting on 'thrones' and supported by thralls.

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