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Modelling the Burning Brand of Skalathrax


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What are people using to represent the Burning Brand of Skalathrax on their Chaos Lord models, and what is the most common melee weapon used with it?


The write up in the codex says it could be a Khorne artifact or of Tzeentchian origin but doesn't say it's restricted to those Marks. Could it be used with a Nurgle lord?

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Yeah, man. There's no 'Mark of...' restriction in there so have at it.


The Chaos Lord I will someday finish is riding that bike thing from the Daemons list, so mine's going to be the cannon with some flames greenstuffed on the end of the barrel (though the question does arise as to whether changing the bike's loadout is legal, it's a fun damn model to envision, and I'm doing it).


A Khornate guy could have Khârn's own heavy flamer from Skalathrax. A Nurgle lord could have a souped-up bile spewing cannon with a long barrel and tanks strapped to his back. A Slaaneshi feller could have a Doom Siren with lots of extra piping and stuff. A Tzeentchian could have the Possessed arm that has fire coming out of it, and that could be your Burning Brand (idea stolen from myself, by the way).

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Always though that not having this on Khârn was a falacy...

I thought the selection of Daemon weapons we have access to was a fallacy.


As for the Brand. I did mine by shortening a normal flamer by removing the two pipes and reattaching the two parts together. The rest was all paint.


But, as has already been said, it could look like anything really as there's no definitive description or image. And it's more about modeling something to represent what your lord carries.

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You also can cut away the muzzle of the flamer and replace it with a gargaoyl head from the tank sprues.


This is the easiest option, IMO, provided that you haven't already put the gargoyle heads all over every weapon in your army already.


I figure, however, that the same characters who can take artefacts can't also take special weapons, so if you see a Chaos Lord with a flamer in his hands it's a good bet that he's got the Brand. Painting it a different colour or putting a gargoyle head on it should be as far as you'd need to go as a courtesy to the other player (beyond saying at the beginning of the game, "and this is my Lord, who is hold a Burning Brand.")

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It doesn't even necessarily have to be an external weapon; model your Chaos Lord so he has a particular mutation; his entire body erupting and swirling with flames, or you could use the arm from a Flamer of Tzeentch or the Possessed limb which is gouting flames.


For servants of Nurgle, you could re-imagine the Brand as a kind of  archaic toxin sprayer or a mutation which exhales clouds of infectious spores or infectious fluid. For Slaanesh, it could easily represent an advanced form of Noise Marine weapon or something more exotic; think the various tools and engines utilised by the Cenobites in the Hellraiser films.



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1st lordess (yes female chaos lord) of mine had a handflamer from the sisters of battle Seraphim to represent it, my 2nd lord in TDA had a Heavyflamer on it, as for my Daemon Princes i just assume they breath fire if they want to, so no real converion/item on those.

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Using the dragon head of the trumpet of the Chaos Knight musician has the muzzle of the Brand could be an excellent way of doing it.



Use it with the Raptors flamers, and add some of those poison Vials/canisters from the Talos/Cronos DE kit, on top of it, it would look sick i think.


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Here's mine on his powerfist. It's not a legal loadout but looks cool. Just used a heavy flamer and snipped the fuel tanks off regular flamers and glued them together then covered up the rest with GS.



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I took a flamer chopped off the nozzle and replaced it with one of those bigger gargoyle pieces that (to me looks like a dog beast from ghostbusters) from the chaos vehicle accessories sprue and smoothed it out to make it look like it fits rather than just sitting there. I also replaced the canister with a larger one.


I could see doing maybe 2 canisters.

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I'd take a regular chaos flamer, remove the tubes connecting the body of the gun to the nozzle and replace them with brass wire or tubing to extend the length, then maybe remove the fuel container and replace it with a wire or tube (maybe greenstuff, maybe guitar string, etc) running to a larger fuel cell connected to the backpack?  Something like that, I guess.

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Using the dragon head of the trumpet of the Chaos Knight musician has the muzzle of the Brand could be an excellent way of doing it.


Use it with the Raptors flamers, and add some of those poison Vials/canisters from the Talos/Cronos DE kit, on top of it, it would look sick i think.


I've actually got a Terminator Sorcerer laying around who is blowing that exact horn. Instead of using it as a muzzle, I figure whenever he makes a ranged attack or Witchfire power, it's playing different notes on that horn to produce different effects. devil.gif

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That's a rather contested question.  It's unclear whether the weapon that comes on the bike (or the ones that come on the mechadendrites, in the case of the warpsmith) is eligible for armoury weapon swaps.  Many will say yes, some will say no.  If you're going to events, check with the organizers in advance.  Otherwise, discus it with your regular opponents before planning conversions around it.

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