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Loadout for MoN Melta Bike Squad?


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If you run a Bike squad with Mark of Nurgle and 2 Meltas, what do you equip the Champion with? And, do you ever run more than 3 in a squad (as opposed to a second squad)?


I only run 3 per squad and I've been equipping my Champion with close combat weapons in case they need to Assault but just wondering what others have been doing.

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Personally I have a unit of 5 with Combi-melta & Power Fist on the Champion and 2 Meltaguns.

- The Powerfist is left over from 5th edition so needs switching for a CCW and Melta Bombs (when I can be bothered to convert him)

- The two extra bodies are there to ensure that, if I do lose a model or two, that the unit remains useful. 

(The expendable models always go out in front)


I've run them in a couple of games, and they usually make their points back or provide enough of a headache for my opponent that they justify their inclusion.


Bikes aren't generally best placed in combat, their toughness and limited number of attacks turns them into a roadblock, but they won't achieve much else.  Hit and Run changes that, but Chaos Bikers don't have access to it.  They are generally better placed shooting at vulnerable targets.

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If your taking less then 4 and an hq then the mon is not needed and the power ax won't help them . at all other times if there are spare points , the champion should have a power ax . One of the few champions in our codex where it is actualy not bad to buy a melee upgrade.

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