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What's up guys? I just came out of a 2 week stay at a luxurious hotel (ok that's a lie, i was hospitalized) and decided i deserved a nice 40k treat for motivation and to keep busy while I continue to recover at home. 


The thing is i own a lot of armies and im not sure which ones to splurge on. My initial reaction is to go all in on my favorite army (Nids) followed by my runner ups (CSM, SM, Daemons) but those armies are big enough as is, so I started to look at the underdogs in my inventory. Problem is that I don't know enough about them to sit here and be like 'oh yeah I should def get this!' with my usual 110% certainty. My little recovery gift im aiming to  fork over about a grand in total split up between 5 choice armies so averaging out to spending bout 200 a piece at most.


So now that you understand the situation here is a look at my Blood Angels whom have been rendered super ineffective in 6th ed. So you can run ideas by me. 



Bold = SPLASHABLE - what this means is that these models are what i consider generic splashable models that I use in all my armies. they tend to not be painted, typically primed or unpainted. Example = Devastators/Long Fangs, Dreadnoughts, etc


Red = NOT OWNED - these units are things i don't own yet but are what I was thinking of buying, when looking for ways to improve my current inventory. So you can help me in deciding if I should get these red label items or not. Are they the best choice? 



Why Do I like Blood Angels?

I really wanted to build an army around jump infantry and BA lets me do just that unlike any other SM chapter. So DoA style lists in 5th to me looked extremely appealing. However we all know 6th ed has not been kind to these kinds of lists. So if I were to upgrade my inventory to boost what I currently own, what would the best choices be?


Unlimited Pts - Blood Angels Roster - Blood Angels 02/13/2014



  1 Mephiston, Lord of Death, 250 pts


   1 Commander Dante, 225 pts


   1 Librarian in Power Armour, 175 pts (Jump Pack; Force Sword; Epistolary)


   1 Librarian in Power Armour, 175 pts (Jump Pack; Force Sword; Epistolary)



   1 Terminator Assault Squad, 200 pts

      4 Terminator with Lightning Claws

      1 Sergeant


   1 Sanguinary Priest, 270 pts

      3 Sanguinary Priest in Power Armour (Jump Pack; Power Sword)



   1 Sanguinary Guard, 225 pts (Equip Unit with Death Masks)

      3 Sanguinary Guard (Glaive Encarmine (sword))

      2 Sanguinary Guard (Glaive Encarmine (axe))


   1 Sanguinary Guard, 225 pts (Equip Unit with Death Masks)

      3 Sanguinary Guard (Glaive Encarmine (sword))

      2 Sanguinary Guard (Glaive Encarmine (axe))


   7 Assault Squad, 235 pts

      1 Assault Marine with Meltagun

      1 Assault Marine with Meltagun

      1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Power Fist x1)


   7 Assault Squad, 235 pts

      1 Assault Marine with Meltagun

      1 Assault Marine with Meltagun

      1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Power Fist x1)


   7 Assault Squad, 235 pts

      1 Assault Marine with Meltagun

      1 Assault Marine with Meltagun

      1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Power Fist x1)


Fast Attack: 

  1 Baal Predator, 145 pts (Dozer Blade; Flamestorm Cannon; Heavy Flamer )


   1 Baal Predator, 145 pts (Dozer Blade; Flamestorm Cannon; Heavy Flamer )


   1 Baal Predator, 145 pts (Dozer Blade; Flamestorm Cannon; Heavy Flamer )


   1 Vanguard Veteran Squad, 325 pts (Equip with Jump Packs)

      1 Sergeant (Jump Pack)

      2 Vanguard Veteran (Jump Pack; Power Sword x1; Storm Shield x1)

      2 Vanguard Veteran (Jump Pack; Power Fist x1; Storm Shield x1)


  1 Land Speeder Squadron, 100 pts (Multi-melta x1; Typhoon Missile 


Launcher x1)


   1 Land Speeder Squadron, 100 pts (Multi-melta x1; Typhoon Missile 


Launcher x1)


Heavy Support: 

  1 Dreadnought, 120 pts (Twin-Linked Autocannon; Twin-Linked Autocannon)


   1 Dreadnought, 120 pts (Twin-Linked Autocannon; Twin-Linked Autocannon)


   1 Dreadnought, 120 pts (Twin-Linked Autocannon; Twin-Linked Autocannon)


   4 Devastator Squad, 130 pts (Missile Launcher x4)

      1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Boltgun)


   4 Devastator Squad, 130 pts (Missile Launcher x4)

      1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Boltgun)


   4 Devastator Squad, 130 pts (Missile Launcher x4)

      1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Boltgun)


Storm Wing 

  1 Stormraven Gunship (Heavy) [sM], 200 pts (Twin-Linked Lascannon; Twin-Linked Multi-melta)

   1 Stormtalon Gunship (Fast) [sM], 145 pts (Typhoon Missile Launcher)

   1 Stormtalon Gunship (Fast) [sM], 145 pts (Typhoon Missile Launcher)


Total Roster Cost: 4650

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