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Digital Codex?

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Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this question but is Codex: Chaos Space Marines also a digital edition codex? I remember hearing that it was awhile ago but I can't seem to find it on BL's website so I don't know if I am just not looking in the right place (I am not tech savvy in the slightest) or if I just heard wrong. If it is in fact digital would you mind posting the link to where it might be purchased? Thanks in advance.

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If you care about the fluff, this book is gold, the BL fluff is amongst the most awesome fluff i've read in a Chaos book since Realm of Chaos.


The fluff that it gives finally complete the void of what did happen to the Legion after the retreat from Terra into the Eye, and we finally have an exhaustive list of events for all the Black Crusades.


Also the different Sub-factions that appeared into the Legion, even though they are not has much developped has the BL, but they are still interesting.

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Short answer on the Codex as a digital version.


iTunes = yes, but only the iPad.

Black Library Digital = no (but I'm sure I did see it once).


No idea why not as I'm sure there's more Android tablets and phones owned than Apple's overpriced offering,

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Thanks everyone. So it looks like I might as well buy the actual book since the digital version on itunes is about $50 (lame). It's a shame that it's not available via Black Library, I was hoping to skim through it to see if it might be fun to start up a chaos army but not sure if I want to drop 50 bucks to do that so I am just going to search around my area for a used dex. Thanks for the help everyone!

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The black legion supplement is awesome for fluff... if you like Abaddon. Yeah, there's a tiny bit of coverage of black legion subfactions, but it's very minimal and honestly not very great or interesting, and some of it kind of counter to good. Like an all possessed warband which can't exist mechanically, or that 'all marines who worship Khorne' in the black legion are part of a single warband. Some of the subfaction stuff is better, but it's all extremely minimal. There is also some information on non-Black Legion former Sons of Horus, although again very minimal - only a single page on them, and the largest and most interesting such group, and the only one with an actual named leader, was wiped out by Abaddon. There's little but name drops for any important characters within the Black Legion apart from Abaddon. We don't learn anything about the motivations or plans of those who follow Abaddon. There's like, maybe six pages of non-Abaddon into, and of that, maybe 3 are good.


Now the Abaddon stuff? Dozens of pages, most of it really good, and all in all a valiant attempt to replace the old failbaddon characterization with something better (though some better rules would certainly have helped that process. If you like Abaddon, if you're all about Abaddon, then the fluff makes this book a must have. Just don't go in expecting something other than the Abaddon show starring Abaddon.

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While I don't have the iPad version for Chaos, I do have it for Tyranids, and the 40K rules. I love it. It's not lame at all, unless you are one of those people who memorize everything. The extra $10 is well worth it for me. (anyone who complains about $10 I would consider lame because you spend so much more on plastic toy soldiers that cost 1 buck to make. Give or take)


For the iPad version you can just click or touch the blue link and it explains what the special rule is or what not. No more flipping through back and forth, going to the rule book to see what it means in most cases. Only once I had to check another book, but usually they are good as stand alone, don't need to have or carry the rule book with you for explanations. 

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I still prefer getting it cheaper if I can, yes it's an expensive hobby but every little bit helps. Although I gotta admit the interactive version sounds pretty sweet and not have to flip back and forth between pages (or books) is a plus. Also I happen to be one of those people who does memorize everything so yeah.

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