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Blood Angels Assault Squads


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I am very to to playing blood angels and as such I dont use assault squads at all.  So I was wondering why they have the Descent of Angels rule if they cannot deepstrike??? Or have assault squads been able to deep strike the whole time and I havent known this?


Secondly help with a 1000 pt anti Space Marine army would be great.

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Man I did not know this about jump packs.  I have several jump pack squads two furioso dreads a storm raven couple generic librarians and a couple tactical squads.  Also some land speeders and 6 Deathsquad or whatever those are called. 

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I am very to to playing blood angels and as such I dont use assault squads at all.  So I was wondering why they have the Descent of Angels rule if they cannot deepstrike??? Or have assault squads been able to deep strike the whole time and I havent known this?


Secondly help with a 1000 pt anti Space Marine army would be great.


1) Jump Infantry can Deep Strike.


2) Anti-marine obviously means AP3 or better. Assuming you want Power weapons on sergeants, Power sword or power axe works. Assuming your friend uses the internet like you, he would be using an axe (maybe). a sword would maybe be better since striking first in challenges would benefit you more than +1 str and ap2 with unwieldy.


Plasma guns and melta guns also good. Flavor to taste. Keep in mind, rapid fire means no assaulting after firing said weapons (plasma guns). I prefer meltaguns, because assaulting is often more useful, since you pay a premium to have jump infantry compared to tacticals.


I highly recommend having a sanguinary priest. Even though the Furious Charge rule no longer gives +1 initiative, still useful. Feel No Pain still as good* (even better since it works against AP2 now).

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Putting one of those dreads in the raven with twin bloodclaws might be a good idea as it'll mulch anything with AP3, as soup says plasma on assult marines, i find isn't the best choice, either flame templates (remove scouts from cover) or melta (good for AP 2 and AV) makes a good Aplha due to only scattering D6" when DSing. I'd go with libby hq or proxie Magic Meph. I'm not that keen on Priests but as i rarely field them I havent had that much experience. If you really want some insperation have a look at some of the forum list builds but it sounds like you've got a pretty solid core. 

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Man I did not know this about jump packs.  I have several jump pack squads two furioso dreads a storm raven couple generic librarians and a couple tactical squads.  Also some land speeders and 6 Deathsquad or whatever those are called. 


Deathsquad or whatever?!!?  Death Company good sir, is our iconic unit that loves to tear people apart in combat!

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After reading the lates Codex FAQ  the Stormraven not having deep strike is very unsettling.  It would be great to drop a Storm Raven with a furioso dread right in the middle and a squad with a psyker to give them an invulnerable save till they can assault.  But, I feel like that can still be achieved, or close to, if the Stormraven moves the full 36." So I have thought of an army if anyone cares to point out faults. lol



-Wings of Sanquinius

(attached to an Assault Squad)


Assault Squad (9 man)

-2 flamers


Assault Squad (9 man)


-Hand Flamer


Furioso Dread

-Dual Blood Talon

-Drop Pod


Furioso Librarian Dread

-Wings of Sanguinius

-Mighty of Heroes




I feel like its NOT a lot of guys on the board, but I want to be able to second turn have the Stormraven zoom accross the board and drop off the Librarian Dread who can use Wings of Sanguinius to not scatter as much as well as the HQ librarian and his Assault Squad.  Then  when they can assault the Dread can cast the might of heroes and get extra attacks that multiply. 

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A 9 man assault squad cannot have two special weapons. Or do you mean 1 Sergeant + 9 marines. If the latter is the case, take two flamers. S3 on the hand flamer is just too weak (especially since the handflamer is more expensive).


Don't you have 25 pts left for a jump pack on the librarian?


A Librarian dreadnought can only use one power per turn, so it is either the wings or might of heroes. I'm pretty sure a the librarian dreadnought cannot use wings of sanguinius on the turn he disembarks from the zooming stormraven.

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I feel like its NOT a lot of guys on the board, but I want to be able to second turn have the Stormraven zoom accross the board and drop off the Librarian Dread who can use Wings of Sanguinius to not scatter as much as well as the HQ librarian and his Assault Squad.  Then  when they can assault the Dread can cast the might of heroes and get extra attacks that multiply.


Descent of Angels does not work when you are 'skies of blooding' from a storm raven, as per the FAQ.

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A few things I see:


1. The storm raven can't be hit easily and can jink if it is, and a dread can pop smoke the turn it arrives.  Do you need that psyker for shield?  I'd keep everything embarked until next turn anyway.


2. Half your army can start in reserves so that means you hold back a loaded raven and pod, a lonely assault squad would have to start on the board.  


3. Raven can hold just 6 with jump packs and you can't combat squad a unit of 9.  If you take off the packs, you get a credit to spend on a razorback or something.  Better off loading some DC in there.

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OK all good points. 

1. Yes I did mean a TOTAL 10 man assault squad my fault.  And so take 2 regular flamers. Got it.

2. Wouldnt the wings of Sanguinius give the Librarian the same movement and abilities of a Jump Pack as it says in the rules a unit acts exactly as if it had a jump pack?

3.  Well the new FAW then totally ruined my idea of a Stormraven assault lol

4. So instead of an assault squad in the Stormraven put a regular Tactical Squad with the Libby so they can trounce some fools?

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Wings means he has to rely on casting it every turn, limiting what else he can cast, and its not guaranteed success... easier to find those points and save his powers for something else. Wings can be good for units without access to a jump pack tho, like meph, dreads and term librarians...
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I feel like its NOT a lot of guys on the board, but I want to be able to second turn have the Stormraven zoom accross the board and drop off the Librarian Dread who can use Wings of Sanguinius to not scatter as much as well as the HQ librarian and his Assault Squad.  Then  when they can assault the Dread can cast the might of heroes and get extra attacks that multiply.


Descent of Angels does not work when you are 'skies of blooding' from a storm raven, as per the FAQ.

 Hang on, i thought the wording was something like a unit that disembarks using skys of furry follows the rules for deepstrike, and with our jump packs our deeps strike rule is decent of angles. I mean thats how I reads it govna. Sorry for the off topicleiness.

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The Milkman Of Baal, on 20 Feb 2014 - 14:33, said:

Hang on, i thought the wording was something like a unit that disembarks using skys of furry follows the rules for deepstrike, and with our jump packs our deeps strike rule is decent of angles. I mean thats how I reads it govna. Sorry for the off topicleiness.

The librarian Dreadnought does not have a jump pack. After casting Wings of Sanguinius he can move as with a jump pack. Additionally the Librarian Dread can't cast the power while not on the board (he is arriving as with deep strike).
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I feel like its NOT a lot of guys on the board, but I want to be able to second turn have the Stormraven zoom accross the board and drop off the Librarian Dread who can use Wings of Sanguinius to not scatter as much as well as the HQ librarian and his Assault Squad.  Then  when they can assault the Dread can cast the might of heroes and get extra attacks that multiply.


Descent of Angels does not work when you are 'skies of blooding' from a storm raven, as per the FAQ.

 Hang on, i thought the wording was something like a unit that disembarks using skys of furry follows the rules for deepstrike, and with our jump packs our deeps strike rule is decent of angles. I mean thats how I reads it govna. Sorry for the off topicleiness.

The dread scatters as normal, the troopers reduce their scatter.  


For the Dread, Quixus already clarified.

For the troopers, use 'skies of fury' to disembark using deep strike rules.  They are being placed on the table using deep stike, not arriving via transport etc. so Decent of Angels reduces deep strike scatter to 1d6. I'm sure this one has been debated plenty already, but that's my read.



Q: If a unit with the Descent of Angels rule Deep Strikes via a
transport, teleport or means other than by jump pack, can the
Descent of Angels rule still be used? (p23)
A: No



4. So instead of an assault squad in the Stormraven put a regular Tactical Squad with the Libby so they can trounce some fools?

Well I guess you could, but my suggestion was to put DC in there (the 6 Death Company you said you have).  


This isn't really list building or tactics but based on what models you said you have available I would look to deploying the DC and Furioso in the Raven, 1 or 2 assault squads on the table supported with the Libby Dread (using wings to try and keep up) and use the drop pod for the Tactical squad (maybe even proxy for sternguard).  

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Most of my army lists start with:



Librarian w/ Jump Pack



Sanguinary Priest w/ Jump Pack



10-man Assault Squad w/ 2 Flamers and Sgt. w/ Power Sword

10-man Assault Squad w/ 2 Meltaguns and Sgt. w/ Power Sword



The key is to keep them together with the priest near the middle since he
has a 6" bubble for FnP. Also, make use of cover and terrain so you do
not get shot up much. Make sure to head for your opponents weak flank. For the Librarian I usually run Unleash Rage and Shield of Sanguinius (Defensive) or Blood Lance.


I have had good luck with a Librarian with a squad of DC in a Stormraven.
Make sure to give the Libby Unleash Rage to really make the DC killy. I
ran 7-DC w/ 3x Power Weapons, and Librarian with Unleash Rage in a
Stormraven, and when they assaulted out of the Raven I killed a 10-man
Tactical Squad, killed 2 Devs and they failed morale, and then started
at another 5-man squad before the game ended.


If you decide to run a Furioso Dread, I highly recommend taking Might of
Heroes and Wings of Sanguinius. You get a Hammer of Wrath attack in
there with the Dread, and if combat continues you are swinging 4-6 times
with Might of Heroes.

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I played in the tournament and discovered that since the Blood Angels have not received a codex update yet they are not really worth taking.  The Raven Guard marines can infiltrate any unit and their jump pack guys can use the jump pack in the movement and assault phase thats a 24" assault range.  Needless to say they wrecked. 

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I played in the tournament and discovered that since the Blood Angels have not received a codex update yet they are not really worth taking.  The Raven Guard marines can infiltrate any unit and their jump pack guys can use the jump pack in the movement and assault phase thats a 24" assault range.  Needless to say they wrecked. 

They can infiltrate 1 squad, and only if Shrike is attached.


And even though they can use their jump pack in both phases, that just lets them move 12" in the movement phase and then get the hammer of wrath and re-roll charge distance bonuses in the assault phase, not a second move in the wrong phase.

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Still, that's 24" over our 18" if we need that rerollable assault range. The number of times I've missed the charge by 1" is astonishing. If you're going against marines, the BA will get pounded into the floor due to the price difference, however building on your strength i.e. assault marines only taking melee weapons, devestators not taking any melee weapons (even on the sarge) then it could bring back balance to our force, if the opponent hasn't done the same.
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