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Anybody play the Inyandan mission "Dark Allies"?

Trevak Dal

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You apparently start in the center (as Chaos Space Marines) against 2 players of Inyandan Eldar primary, and Dark Angels (we're using Vanilla Marines). The Elves and loyalists are played by two seperate people, but have a shared FoC.

The objective is for your warlord to survive the battle.

The problems I'm seeing with it, are that my boys are going to be dead center of the table, are probably going to be going down like the last few seconds of this Gears of War 3 ad

All my CSMs are Fearless by default as per the scenario, the SM's have Zealot and the elves have Preferred enemy (that's gonna hurt sad.png ) with a Wraithlord as their Warlord, Space Marine player only has a Allies Chart worth of dudes-but I'm going to be looking down a Landraider (godhammer) most likely-no Grav Guns I don't think, he's just picked up the codex a week ago.

I was thinking running Huron as my Warlord, with a Biker Axelord and some bikes, along with a unit of 4 Chaos Terminators in a Landraider, 2 plasma CSM Tacticals in HavokRhinos with Dirge casters, 3 Nurgle Oblits AC Havoks with a 8 man team of Raptors with Melta, and 2 naked 8 man "throw away" beserker teams to tie up nasty stuff and some Nurgle Spawn (2) as well.

Huron camps with the Oblits, as the AxeLord/BikerBros and Raider with Terminators (Champ with CF/LC, 3 CombiMeltas 2 axes and 1 Lightning Claw) push out to die gloriously to buy the Tyrant time-there are no Objectives except my Warlord Must Live.

I intend to inflitrate/deep strike another unit of Termicide Plasma terminators, maybe the Spawn-nothing quite like having 2 toughness 6 beasts at your backdoor.

Again any insight as to what I'm in for? I know in these things the book's army usually goes first unless I seize.

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Some of us sleep . Do you have to tell pre game which of you HQ is the warlord[well other then you infiltrating stuff showing which dude is the one etc]. I would go with 3 units of spawn or bikers , took ultra cheap troop [unimportant this game] and made all 3 units big , if possible used the BL as ally to get a 3ed HQ , but it aint crucial . Fast and staying away from the tar pit unit like WK . It doesn't matter how many bikers die , and what happens to your army , if you win by your lord surviving.

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I haven't played this scenario. makes sense to run a nurgle Sorceror/lord on palanquin or bike I'd reckon. Personally I'd opt for the Sorceror on a bike run with spawn or on a palanquin with a horde of cultists and roll twice on biomancy hoping for Iron Arm and/or Endurance.

Huron is pretty squishy for an 'assassinate' style mission. Do you have anything else at your disposal? Daemons?

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Not familiar with scenario. Do you get first turn? If so, maybe a winged prince, or belakor, to take to the air asap. If not, maybe Typhus? Maybe Abaddon? Maybe a tzeentch bikelord with skull & sigil? Those are about our most survivable warlords. Some sort of flying or biking character to try and get your warlord out of the middle asap seems like a good call. In general, I'd pick the weaker or faster moving or longer ranged side and try and smash it asap with your whole force, avoiding the other side as long as possible. All in all, it sounds like you're going to get slaughtered, but theme scenarios aren't always fair, and sometimes that's the fun of them, so that's ok. Again, though, I'm not familiar with this particular one, so... yeah.
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Ah, forgive my spelling mistake.


Yeah, I got beat, but it was because I got overzealous and forgot to move. Another friend was playing Space Marine and he got killed by a plasma cannon and I was like "Speaking of plasma cannons...." and shot...and Gets' Hotted with both my obliterators for the second time in the game (that's a BS rule about how you lose your shots because both times they were direct hits).


We didn't have the armies exactly or some of the units to fit the game properly (I was supposed to have a maulerfiend, and the SM player was supposed to be a Dark Angel) but I ended up taking this All of our units (except Eldar) were Fearless:



Huron Blackheart (Warlord)


Mace Prince


5 x Chaos Terminators, MoK, Vets Champ (Chainfist/Lightning Claw) 3 Combi-meltas, 1 combi-plasma, 2 axes 2 LCs. Dedicated Landraider Dirge Caster.



10 CSMs Vets Champion (B/BP/Powerfist), 2x Plasma guns Dedicated Rhino, Dirge Caster


10 CSMs Vets Champion (B/BP/Powersword), 2x Plasma Guns Dedicated Rhino, Dirge Caster


10 CSMs Vets Ubergrit Champion (B/BP/Poweraxe), 2x Melta guns


10 CSMs Vets Ubergrit Champion (CM/BP/Lightning Claw), 2x Melta Guns


20 Cultists, 2 flamers, shotgun on champ Huron's "Extra wounds".



8 x Raptors Vets, MoK, IoW Champion (2x LC, Melta Bombs) 2x Melta guns


nurgle spawn


Nurgle Spawn



2x Nurgle Obliterators


5 x Havoks Vets Champion (B/BP/CCW) 4x Autocanons


2500 points of CSMs vs 2500 Points combined SMs (imperial fists chapter tactics) Eldar. SM Player took The Standard Chaptermaster (Artificer armor, TH Shield Eternal and a Command Squad). Eldar was a foot-based list with a wraith lord as their Warlord. SMs and Eldar had Hatred CSMs.



All was going well, the throw away assault elements were doing their job defending the Tyrant (though in hindsight I think the Black Mace would have been more useful against the Eldar side.)


The plan as my stuff lay dying and the Wraith Lord and Wraith Guard finally broke free of the Nurgle Spawn, was to get my Landraider close (SM player only had a Tech Marine with a wound on him and some Sniper scouts left-the Chapter master ran from my Daemon Prince) for huron to hop in and kite them around the board (Dongo the Sodomizer-my Daemon Prince made short work of the Lascannon Devastators and the Raptors killed off the...mixed devastator squad, or in one of the rhinos-though one died for blocking the Wraith Lord.


I didn't expect my Daemon Prince to survive, but in the end I wish I took a Biker Axe Lord and some bikes instead of the Daemon Prince, and my Landraider survived the game, I ended up screwing up and getting too over zealous and forgot to move before shooting-and it lost me the game.


I kicked myself for that-because it lost me the game (and the damn plasma cannons didn't kill anything because both times I got to shoot them, they over heated). I didn't actually make use of Huron's warlord trait, I just like the model and I do play Red Corsairs, though my Warband's leader (a Privateer Captain of the Tyrant) is a Sorcerer.

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