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Possible New Daemon Prince Alternative?


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So I've just spotted this hulking brute (Plague Stage 1a from mantic games) and am wondering if anyone knows how big it is. If its big enough i can just imagine using it as a Daemon Prince. 



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I'd say leave the wings off.  Everyone needs a boon prince with no wings, armor, and that guy as is seems to do the trick.


Per Max's comment, he may be a bit too small, though, given princes go on 50 (or was it 60?) mm bases these days.  Eh, building him up on a suitably impressive, stacked-up scenic base should do the trick for you.

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It would make a pretty decent boon result prince - no wings, big armored body, etc.

Thats actually a really good idea Malisteen, I've had my eye on this model for a while, but had no idea how to work it into my army. Thank you for further impacting my bank account lol.

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