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Beasts of Nurgle Discussion


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Hello Fellow Nurglings, I have been running Nurgle Daemons this escalation league at my local GW (last season I ran Nurgle CSM) and so far am very pleased...


I'm basically running an imperial strongpoint with lots of icarus las each manned by HoN, with a soul grinder Ordinancing everything, the usual plague bearers holding objectives in ruins, led by Be'lakor (so far puppetmastering Riptides is good).


A good 364 point chunk of my force though is my 7x beasts of nurgle.


I have had some magnificent success and disastrous failures with them though. So far the best result is to run them into a horde unit (preferably IG or massed Fire Warriors) and deliver 30ish poisoned attacks.


I had really high hopes for It Will Not Die on them though since they have 4 wounds each.


I wasn't used to playing with high wound models in a unit so I thought I could have the beasts in front eat the overwatch fire then put him in the back so when it came time for combat the beasts in front would eat the melee wounds, so I would effectively have 2 beasts with IWND rolls. An opponent told me that all the wounds have to go to the same dog I can't manipulate placement to "spread the wounds around"


This of course makes IWND with them terrible compared to feel no pain. I'm starting to feel like they suck compared to Chaos spawn of Nurgle.


Is their anyway to maximize beasts of Nurgle because i really like fielding them?

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This is probably better suited in the demon section of the forums.


I haven't tried them, but from what I've read they are best used as a counter-assault force rather than primary smasheys. Hold them back and put them in combat with whatever is threatening your gun line with their countercharge ability. Nurgle spawn are probably better suited for offensive maneuvers.

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ah yeah I am new to this forum and was thinking for like 5 minutes where to put this thread lol. Thanks for the advice though that sounds about right with what is going on. So far with my gaming group people only play shooty and only charge if they have terminators. I Turtle pretty hard so people are generally terrified to charge me and I rely on my Nurgley toughness to survive while I snipe out their big guns, crush their weak troops, tarpit their hammers, and then wait for the objectives to win me the game.

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well then yes, a smallish group of beasts could do you good as tarpits.


Also, If you haven tried them, I've heard really good things about plague drones as quick-strike units against anything that they can survive in combat with. Maybe not quite as tough, but much more mobile than the beasts

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