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Hell Talon may be worth considering


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So, the other day I was considering the Marauder or Destroyer Bomber for my IG army to use against lighter but large mob armies. It drops alot of bombs (Str 6 AP 4 - Barrage 8) at one go but it is somewhat fragile armor-wise, expensive points-wise at over 400 points, and could potentially get taken out by Interceptor immediately. Then I looked at the other Imperial Navy aircraft that could also carry bombs - but they could all only drop one Str 6 AP 4 a turn.


Then I found the Hell Talon, which at slightly over 100 points, with its special ability, can drop all 6 of its Str 6 AP 4 Apocalyptic Blast bombs at one go. Btw - bombs only deviate D6 from flight path. That is no slouch. It also takes up a Fast Attack slot not a Heavy.


It is paper thin (worse than Rhino), it only has a TwinLas and an AC, and can still get taken out by Interceptor but as a single turn disposable carpet bomber, it may be worth considering.


Just a thought.

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Each is an apocalyptic barrage (1), and you can elect to drop as many as you like in a turn (max 8).


However with this upgrade it's 200 points on the nose for the aircraft.


It's worth noting that it's marked 40k use, not apocalypse. So yes you could happily drop 8 st6 ap4 apocalyptic barrage templates in a regular game

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Each is an apocalyptic barrage (1), and you can elect to drop as many as you like in a turn (max 8).


However with this upgrade it's 200 points on the nose for the aircraft.


It's worth noting that it's marked 40k use, not apocalypse. So yes you could happily drop 8 st6 ap4 apocalyptic barrage templates in a regular game



The Heavy Bombs are only an option for Apocalypse, and the asterisk leading to that special rule does not follow the 40k Approved Tactical Bombs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Couldn't help but get one for Apoc.


Here's a pre-assembly pic in case anyone is wondering about its size. It turned out to be alot larger than I'd thought.



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